Thursday, April 2, 2009

Springfield, Mass. It Is Not

I got the call yesterday evening from Lenox Tools that they have made their decision and will be going in a different direction. What a relief. I'm sure that the HR rep who called me thought she was ruining my day, but I had the biggest smile on my face. And, I was praising the Lord! I didn't really want that job so much after I went up and interviewed for it, and I certainly didn't want to move the family up there either. So, it sounds funny, but this was good news.

The other reason it is good news is that I now can be considered for a Product Manager position with Graco Baby Products in Atlanta, GA. This is another Newell Rubbermaid company, but one that I am very interested in. I wasn't allowed to talk with them until Lenox had finished with me, so I'm eager to start talking with them quickly.

Aside from Newell there are still some great things in the works. I have a phone interview on Friday with Pure Fishing down in Columbia, SC. They make the famous Ugly Stick, Shakespeare rods and reels, Abu Garcia gear - really, all the best stuff out there. I also got a call from the VP at Remington last week to let me know that I made the short list to come in and meet with him, but that they won't be scheduling those interviews until later in April. I can be patient for an opportunity like that. There are other little things going on, but nothing worth commenting on.

Spring Break is next week for Lauren, so Kimberly and I have gotten economically creative in order to take our family on a mini-vacation. You'll hear more about that next week, but I think it will be good for us all to get away for a few days.

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