Thursday, October 1, 2009

Move Update

Alot of people have asked me lately what is going on with the house, the move, I figured I had better post an update! I guess I haven't written about it because not much has happened. We have continued to have people come and look at the house (although it has slowed down considerably since school started) and we have had alot of positive feedback. But, either the buyers have their house to sell first or they decided to build instead, etc. There seems to always be a reason that we aren't getting an offer.

So, we have just made the best of our situation. Ryan was able to talk to his boss about leaving the office at 4 (he works through his lunch hour), so that way he gets home at 6 and we can all have dinner together and the kids get more time with him before bed. That has been a HUGE blessing for all of us!! He does still have to leave the house before 6am each day and I know he's getting tired of the long drive. But, the Lord has blessed him with safety on the road and we are grateful for that.

Lauren has settled in at her school (Grace Covenant Academy) and is doing so great in kindergarten. In fact, I would feel terrible if we did get an offer on the house and had to pull her out before she could finish out the year. Nolan misses his sister during the day, but it has given us some great bonding time. He has become a total mama's boy and it is so adorable!! This is my favorite age (18 mos-2 yrs) so I am savoring all the sweet moments because I know the terrible 2's are just around the corner!

We continue to trust God for His perfect timing and do our best to stay positive in these challenging times!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is a great update! I am encouraged at your positive attitude and so glad Lauren is loving school!