Monday, January 14, 2008

Longing for Home

Once again I said my goodbyes,
To those I love the most.
My heart feels that familiar pain,
As I long for home.

This road is hard,
When I feel so far.

God I'm crying out tonight,
Because I've given You my life,
But I'm tired and I'm missing what's behind.

On the day that You called my name,
All that I knew changed.
I found when I said yes
That I'd never be the same.

God I'm crying out tonight,
Because I've given You my life,
But I'm tired and I'm missing what's behind.

Even when the tears are falling,
When I find I fear the calling,
You remind me,
Words You've spoken over my life,
Promises I've yet to see,
You comfort me.

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