Truth be told, the countdown has been going on for quite a while now. But the time is finally *almost* here and we are very anxious! We will be leaving on December 20th to go back to Oregon for Christmas…and the best part is that we get to stay until January 5th! I think it’s hard to explain to someone who has never been away from family for a long period of time, but we are so excited!! I know this Christmas will be more special than years past because we will be making sure we cherish every moment, knowing it has to last us for a while until we can see everyone again.
That being said, I may not be posting another blog until we return to North Carolina. So, I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year! Thank you to everyone who has encouraged us and lifted us up in prayer over the last year. And thank you for staying in touch with us, even though we are thousands of miles away. Your support has meant so much!! I’m sure we’ll have lots of pictures and stories to share when we get back, so stay tuned… :)
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Saturday, December 15, 2007
The Week of Birthdays
This week we celebrated both Ryan’s 32nd (December 12th) and Lauren’s 4th (December 13th) birthdays. We took Ryan out to a nice dinner, just the 3 of us, and gave him his presents. Lauren’s day was spent doing her favorite things – going to the library to get new books, having lunch with Mommy and Daddy at McDonald’s (including an ice cream sundae) and getting to have popcorn, cheese and apples for dinner while we watched a movie. Then on Friday, Ryan and I took some cupcakes into her class at school and had a little celebration for her with her teachers and friends.

Saturday was the BIG party at our house…we invited over 3 families from church, along with their accumulative 8 kids (ages ranging from 18 months to 10 years old). And it was loud and chaotic! But, the kids all had so much fun playing and tormenting our cat…and the adults were able to visit a little while playing referee. We wanted to do a smaller party and try to keep it low-key and I’m so glad we didn’t invite any more people because it was a full house! We ordered pizzas for lunch and I made cupcakes for dessert. Ryan and I were both exhausted when it was over, but it made it all worth it when Lauren came up to us and said, “Mommy and Daddy, thank you for my party – I had so much fun.”

Sunday, December 2, 2007
A Family Christmas

This was yet another busy week for us as we prepared for the big production of “A Family Christmas” at our church. It is an event they have held for the last few years that is done as an outreach to the community. Last year they had over 3,000+ attendees. They have an outdoor living nativity with a re-creation of the streets of Bethlehem (including the manger scene above with a real baby), a “Toyland” children’s choir and hand bell ensemble, horse-drawn carriage rides, train rides, a petting zoo, a marshmallow roast and Victorian carolers.
I have been practicing with the carolers since July and was blessed to be a part of the music ensemble. We did three performances each night – Friday, Saturday and Sunday – which included traditional Christmas carols and several other arranged pieces like "All is Well" and "Dona Nobis Pacem". Some of the vocals were acapella and for some, we were accompanied by the hand bell choir. The best part was getting to wear the Victorian costume (see picture below), which thankfully kept us warm in the 40 degree weather!

Ryan was also involved in the construction of the Bethlehem set, which began in early November, and he signed up to help direct traffic two of the nights, as well. The first night, however, he and Lauren got dressed up in their Christmas attire and he took her out on their first “date”. The father-daughter date was a tradition that my dad began with me when I was little and is one of the best memories from my childhood. So, it is really special to see Ryan do the same thing now with Lauren and to have him show her how a gentleman should treat her on a date.

Saturday, December 1, 2007
Our Little Evangelist
Last weekend Lauren and I (Ryan) walked up and down our street distributing invitations to the "Family Christmas" outreach event being hosted by our church. We wanted our neighbors to feel invited, and Kimberly thought this would be a great way for Lauren to learn about sharing our faith with others. As we walked along, I talked with her about what we were doing. For 19 houses we were only able to put the invitations in the newspaper slots beneath the mailboxes. But, at one of the houses, the owner was outside and Lauren had this exchange:
Lauren: "Hi. Here is an invitation for 'ya to come to our church."
Lady: "Oh, thank you."
Lauren: "You can come and meet Jesus. And hear about how he was born in Bethlehem."
Lady: "Really? I just showed my kids the movie 'The Navity Story'. Maybe that would be a good thing to bring them to."
Lauren: "Yeah, so we'll see you at our church. Goodbye!"
Now if I could just learn to be so bold. I couldn't have been prouder!
Lauren: "Hi. Here is an invitation for 'ya to come to our church."
Lady: "Oh, thank you."
Lauren: "You can come and meet Jesus. And hear about how he was born in Bethlehem."
Lady: "Really? I just showed my kids the movie 'The Navity Story'. Maybe that would be a good thing to bring them to."
Lauren: "Yeah, so we'll see you at our church. Goodbye!"
Now if I could just learn to be so bold. I couldn't have been prouder!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Thanksgiving in the South
Most years during the Thanksgiving holiday, my family would rent a house at SunRiver or Black Butte and we would all caravan over and stay for 5 days. It always included lots of card and video game playing, way too much food and hilarious late-night moments. So, we knew right away that there was no way this year’s celebration could measure up to those of years past. But, thankfully, some friends of ours from church (whose family is all in Colorado) invited us to spend the day with them at their neighbors house. So, we accepted. I knew it would be difficult being far away from my family on a holiday that is usually so rich with tradition for us, but at least we wouldn’t be at home by ourselves.
We went over to their house around noon and let the kids play before nap-time (they have three kids – ages 10, 2½ and 18 mos.). Then, while they were sleeping, we made place cards and started preparations for the big meal. Their neighbors were roasting a turkey in the oven and in addition to that, they also deep-fried a smaller one outside (see pictures below). We had never seen this done before, so it was interesting to us…and apparently, very common here in the South. I made garlic mashed potatoes and homemade rolls and there were probably a dozen other side dishes, as well. It was a nice dinner and their neighbors, whom we had never met before, were so gracious to invite us into their home and let us join their meal. In fact, they even bought a gingerbread house kit for the smaller kids to put together and decorate, which Lauren absolutely loved (although, I think more of the candy ended up in her mouth than on the house).

The next morning, I woke up bright and early to join two of my girlfriends on a shopping trip down to Gaffney, SC. We met at 4:30am for breakfast and then drove over an hour to the most amazing outlet mall I’ve ever been to. The best part about it was the Pottery Barn Outlet. I could have spent all day just in that store alone…and we got some great deals, so it was really worth getting up early for. We had a fun day of shopping and fellowshipping, but after 12 hours on my feet, I was exhausted!! While I was gone, Ryan had a great father-daughter day with Lauren and managed to put up the Christmas lights on the house (pictures coming soon). We all went to bed early that night to catch up on some much-needed sleep after a busy weekend!
We went over to their house around noon and let the kids play before nap-time (they have three kids – ages 10, 2½ and 18 mos.). Then, while they were sleeping, we made place cards and started preparations for the big meal. Their neighbors were roasting a turkey in the oven and in addition to that, they also deep-fried a smaller one outside (see pictures below). We had never seen this done before, so it was interesting to us…and apparently, very common here in the South. I made garlic mashed potatoes and homemade rolls and there were probably a dozen other side dishes, as well. It was a nice dinner and their neighbors, whom we had never met before, were so gracious to invite us into their home and let us join their meal. In fact, they even bought a gingerbread house kit for the smaller kids to put together and decorate, which Lauren absolutely loved (although, I think more of the candy ended up in her mouth than on the house).

The next morning, I woke up bright and early to join two of my girlfriends on a shopping trip down to Gaffney, SC. We met at 4:30am for breakfast and then drove over an hour to the most amazing outlet mall I’ve ever been to. The best part about it was the Pottery Barn Outlet. I could have spent all day just in that store alone…and we got some great deals, so it was really worth getting up early for. We had a fun day of shopping and fellowshipping, but after 12 hours on my feet, I was exhausted!! While I was gone, Ryan had a great father-daughter day with Lauren and managed to put up the Christmas lights on the house (pictures coming soon). We all went to bed early that night to catch up on some much-needed sleep after a busy weekend!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Thanksgiving Feast
We had Lauren’s program and lunch at her preschool this last Monday and it was so precious! As hard as it is as a parent to watch how fast she is growing up, it was such a proud moment to watch her stand up there and sing these songs she had learned. She was in the front row, right in the center, even though she was taller than just about every other kid up there. If you can’t tell from the pictures, she was dressed up as corn. :) She was our little performer…singing every word perfectly with a smile on her face. And we were the dorky parents, taking video and pictures (and I was in tears). She said to me afterwards, “Mommy, when I get bigger, I want to sing on the big stage like you.”
After the program, we were treated to an amazing Thanksgiving spread of every food imaginable. They have some interesting “traditions” out here, like sweet potato pie and some others that we didn’t dare to try. It was a great chance to get to meet some of the other parents and talk with Lauren’s teachers. They said that Lauren is one of the most talkative kids in her class (no surprise there) and that she has a very active imagination. Her latest fascination is learning about the human anatomy. She is convinced that she wants to be a doctor and is constantly asking me questions about her bones and veins and muscles. She can name almost every organ in the body and has learned about blood flow and digestion. It is amazing how they can absorb so much information at this young age!
After the program, we were treated to an amazing Thanksgiving spread of every food imaginable. They have some interesting “traditions” out here, like sweet potato pie and some others that we didn’t dare to try. It was a great chance to get to meet some of the other parents and talk with Lauren’s teachers. They said that Lauren is one of the most talkative kids in her class (no surprise there) and that she has a very active imagination. Her latest fascination is learning about the human anatomy. She is convinced that she wants to be a doctor and is constantly asking me questions about her bones and veins and muscles. She can name almost every organ in the body and has learned about blood flow and digestion. It is amazing how they can absorb so much information at this young age!
Friday, November 16, 2007
A Challenging November
It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything, mainly because nothing really seemed “blog worthy”.
Unfortunately, the last couple of weeks have been marked with many illnesses for our family. First, I was diagnosed with a bacterial infection and had to be put on antibiotics. One week later, Lauren and I both came down with colds and fevers. Then, Lauren got a third-degree burn on her left pointer finger (trying to help Daddy make dinner). When we took her into the doctor for the burn, they diagnosed her with an ear infection and asthma. This girl has such a high pain tolerance that she didn’t cry when she got the burn and she told me her ear didn’t hurt. So, now she is on antibiotics for the ear infection and an inhaler three times a day for the asthma. Oh, and they gave us some burn cream for her finger and wrapped it up (it is healing nicely now). One day after that appointment, I went into my doctor and found that my bacterial infection had returned…back on the antibiotics for me. The doctor’s only concern with this is that if I continue to get these infections, it can cause preterm labor. So, we are praying that Nolan (did I mention that is the name we picked?) hangs in there until we are at least in the “safe zone”…and that I will not have to go on bedrest at all, like I did with Lauren. Thankfully, in the midst of all of this, Ryan has managed to stay completely well!!
We also celebrated my 29th birthday this past week. It was a hard day for me, being so far away from my family. I cried almost all day long, especially when I got the cards and presents and flowers that everyone back home had sent. But, Ryan and Lauren did take me out that night for a wonderful dinner at an Italian restaurant – and that cheered me up.
This coming week will be quite strange – our first Thanksgiving on our own. We have no plans yet and I think we will probably just end up staying home. I am not going to cook a whole turkey for just the 3 of us, so we will do a non-traditional dinner. But, we will still get to have a turkey meal, thanks to Lauren’s school. On Monday, they invited all the parents and grandparents to come and enjoy a Thanksgiving feast. The kids will put on a short program for us and we will all get to have a special lunch together. I’m sure we’ll be posting pictures next week of Lauren in her little costume. :)
On a lighter note, Ryan was able to get some pictures this week of the gorgeous fall colors near our house. It is absolutely spectacular to drive around and see the beauty of God’s creation every day!
Unfortunately, the last couple of weeks have been marked with many illnesses for our family. First, I was diagnosed with a bacterial infection and had to be put on antibiotics. One week later, Lauren and I both came down with colds and fevers. Then, Lauren got a third-degree burn on her left pointer finger (trying to help Daddy make dinner). When we took her into the doctor for the burn, they diagnosed her with an ear infection and asthma. This girl has such a high pain tolerance that she didn’t cry when she got the burn and she told me her ear didn’t hurt. So, now she is on antibiotics for the ear infection and an inhaler three times a day for the asthma. Oh, and they gave us some burn cream for her finger and wrapped it up (it is healing nicely now). One day after that appointment, I went into my doctor and found that my bacterial infection had returned…back on the antibiotics for me. The doctor’s only concern with this is that if I continue to get these infections, it can cause preterm labor. So, we are praying that Nolan (did I mention that is the name we picked?) hangs in there until we are at least in the “safe zone”…and that I will not have to go on bedrest at all, like I did with Lauren. Thankfully, in the midst of all of this, Ryan has managed to stay completely well!!
We also celebrated my 29th birthday this past week. It was a hard day for me, being so far away from my family. I cried almost all day long, especially when I got the cards and presents and flowers that everyone back home had sent. But, Ryan and Lauren did take me out that night for a wonderful dinner at an Italian restaurant – and that cheered me up.
This coming week will be quite strange – our first Thanksgiving on our own. We have no plans yet and I think we will probably just end up staying home. I am not going to cook a whole turkey for just the 3 of us, so we will do a non-traditional dinner. But, we will still get to have a turkey meal, thanks to Lauren’s school. On Monday, they invited all the parents and grandparents to come and enjoy a Thanksgiving feast. The kids will put on a short program for us and we will all get to have a special lunch together. I’m sure we’ll be posting pictures next week of Lauren in her little costume. :)
On a lighter note, Ryan was able to get some pictures this week of the gorgeous fall colors near our house. It is absolutely spectacular to drive around and see the beauty of God’s creation every day!

Friday, November 2, 2007
Halloween Memories
We had such a fun Halloween this year. It was a beautiful evening, about 65 degrees and clear outside, as we walked around trick-or-treating. Lauren dressed up as Tinkerbell (costume compliments of Grandma Miriam) and was the cutest little fairy you’ve ever seen. She collected a whole bucket full of candy and every little girl she passed commented on how cool her outfit was, complete with blinking lights on the wings.
I walked most of the way with Ryan and Lauren, meeting new neighbors as we went and “protecting” Lauren when we passed a scary costume or decoration. Then I realized that if I didn’t head back to the house to hand out candy, we were going to be stuck with a huge bowlful of leftovers! So, I jogged back up the hill and answered the door for a while. When Ryan and Lauren got home, she didn’t want to look at the candy she had received or eat any of it – she wanted to answer the door and hand out candy to the other kids. I think she had more fun doing that than she did trick-or-treating!
It was a very fun evening of making memories – here are some pictures of Lauren in her costume and our pumpkin carving skills. :)
I walked most of the way with Ryan and Lauren, meeting new neighbors as we went and “protecting” Lauren when we passed a scary costume or decoration. Then I realized that if I didn’t head back to the house to hand out candy, we were going to be stuck with a huge bowlful of leftovers! So, I jogged back up the hill and answered the door for a while. When Ryan and Lauren got home, she didn’t want to look at the candy she had received or eat any of it – she wanted to answer the door and hand out candy to the other kids. I think she had more fun doing that than she did trick-or-treating!
It was a very fun evening of making memories – here are some pictures of Lauren in her costume and our pumpkin carving skills. :)
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Women of Faith Weekend

Ryan and Lauren had a fun father/daughter weekend together while I was gone. Ryan and I came up with a great adventure they could go on together. So, on Saturday, he re-enacted the theme from the kids show “Go, Diego, Go!” and hid some of her stuffed animals all over the house while she was sleeping. Then, after she got up and ate breakfast, they went on a safari hunt to find and rescue the animals. They had their “rescue pack” with a flashlight, telescope and camera and they went from room to room finding the animals and saving them. She had so much fun and keeps asking if we can do it again.
Saturday was also an exciting milestone for us as I hit the halfway mark in my pregnancy! Lauren was able to feel the baby kick for the first time today, which was very fun for her…although Ryan still hasn’t felt him move yet. We are all getting quite anxious to meet this little guy and to have him join and complete our family!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
It's a Boy!!
We went to the doctor today for our 4½ month ultrasound. It was very exciting because we were finally able to see the baby and to find out what it was! The ultrasound technician did all of her measurements and pictures first...and then she turned the screen and showed us our little man! I started crying and Ryan was so thrilled. We took Lauren with us and she was just fascinated by being able to see the baby on the “TV screen”. She is very excited to have a little brother. She said, “Now Daddy won’t be the only boy!”
So the challenge now is coming up with a name that everyone likes!! We are definitely open to suggestions, so please email us with some good boy names. :) Here are some pictures from our ultrasound that we, of course, think are too cute:
So the challenge now is coming up with a name that everyone likes!! We are definitely open to suggestions, so please email us with some good boy names. :) Here are some pictures from our ultrasound that we, of course, think are too cute:
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Birthday Celebration
October 17th marks a very important day for me. Today is the day, 24 years ago, that I became a Christian. We call it my “spiritual birthday”. Growing up, my mom always made a big deal about this day, buying us a new devotional book or Bible, giving us the “You Are Special” plate at dinner and reminiscing about the day it all began.
I barely remember it, because I was only 4 years old. And I’m sure I didn’t fully understand all the intricacies of the Christian faith at that time. But, I do remember feeling like there was something more…and I wanted to find out what it was. What began as the innocent curiosity of a child grew into a love relationship with the heavenly Father.
I never could have imagined then the journey the Lord would take me on, the ways He would reveal Himself to me and the unfathomable love He would demonstrate to this undeserving girl. He stood by my side even when I pushed Him away, continually pursued me when I rebelled against Him, and showered me with grace and love when I became utterly consumed with myself. I still stand in amazement today when I look back and see His faithfulness when I was so faithless. It is something I may never comprehend this side of heaven, but something I will forever be grateful for.
What an incredible adventure the last 24 years of walking with Him have been! I am blessed beyond words to call Him my Savior. I am thankful every day for His unfailing love. And it is my privilege to share with everyone how He redeemed my life from the pit!
This sacred romance, this journey of my soul,
The voice that began speaking to me so many years ago.
It told me I was special, unique and greatly loved.
It told me that I didn’t have to hide from who I was.
But, somehow, along the way, that voice grew small and weak.
Amidst the heartaches of life, I could no longer hear it speak.
Yet, the desires of my soul remained and grew deeper still.
I relentlessly pursued something for this void to fill.
Never succeeding in my attempts, no matter what I tried.
Couldn’t find what I was longing for until to myself, I died.
Now I can see so clearly the pure and simple truth:
In this puzzle of my life, the missing piece was You.
You were the Voice that spoke to me from the very start,
The only One who could fit the hole that gaped inside my heart.
Embracing You now with joy, I gladly follow Your lead,
Knowing You’re the one True Love who can fulfill my every need.
I barely remember it, because I was only 4 years old. And I’m sure I didn’t fully understand all the intricacies of the Christian faith at that time. But, I do remember feeling like there was something more…and I wanted to find out what it was. What began as the innocent curiosity of a child grew into a love relationship with the heavenly Father.
I never could have imagined then the journey the Lord would take me on, the ways He would reveal Himself to me and the unfathomable love He would demonstrate to this undeserving girl. He stood by my side even when I pushed Him away, continually pursued me when I rebelled against Him, and showered me with grace and love when I became utterly consumed with myself. I still stand in amazement today when I look back and see His faithfulness when I was so faithless. It is something I may never comprehend this side of heaven, but something I will forever be grateful for.
What an incredible adventure the last 24 years of walking with Him have been! I am blessed beyond words to call Him my Savior. I am thankful every day for His unfailing love. And it is my privilege to share with everyone how He redeemed my life from the pit!
This sacred romance, this journey of my soul,
The voice that began speaking to me so many years ago.
It told me I was special, unique and greatly loved.
It told me that I didn’t have to hide from who I was.
But, somehow, along the way, that voice grew small and weak.
Amidst the heartaches of life, I could no longer hear it speak.
Yet, the desires of my soul remained and grew deeper still.
I relentlessly pursued something for this void to fill.
Never succeeding in my attempts, no matter what I tried.
Couldn’t find what I was longing for until to myself, I died.
Now I can see so clearly the pure and simple truth:
In this puzzle of my life, the missing piece was You.
You were the Voice that spoke to me from the very start,
The only One who could fit the hole that gaped inside my heart.
Embracing You now with joy, I gladly follow Your lead,
Knowing You’re the one True Love who can fulfill my every need.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Pumpkin Patch

Today we ventured out for a family trip to the pumpkin patch. This is a tradition that my family always did together, so this was our first time going just the Smith’s.
We drove about an hour to a place called Patterson Farms. It is a family owned and operated farm that began in 1919 and has been handed down from generation to generation. It was huge!

There was a hay ride that took you all over the farm. They had a petting zoo with goats, pigs, chickens, peacocks, ponies, rabbits and sheep. There was a station where you could make your own scarecrow, paint a pumpkin and ride the ponies.

There were also several different kids play areas, including one that looked like Noah’s ark.
We had so much fun and the weather was perfect – not too cold, not too hot. We got there late in the morning, ate lunch there and then headed back home for a nap! Lauren had a lot of fun and we got some pretty cute pictures, too.

Sunday, September 30, 2007
40 Years - A Legacy of Love

Nowadays, it is rare to hear of a couple who has been married for that long. And it isn’t just that they have put up with each other for all those years. As their youngest daughter, I can truthfully say that they have LOVED. They gave each of us kids the best example of what a Christ-centered marriage should be. When we were younger, we used to get grossed out when we would catch them kissing in the kitchen. But, now I look back on that and think, how cool! My parents weren’t just married all those years, they were in love…and they still are that way today.
They have held each other through difficult times – through losing their parents, becoming empty-nester’s, watching us all get married, job losses and promotions, through my dad’s near-heart attack and bypass surgery, and many times of family crisis. Not only have they been a rock for each one of us as parents, but they haven’t allowed any of life’s struggles to pull them apart. Instead, they turned to the Lord together in prayer and He blessed them by using those times to make their bond even stronger.
I am continually amazed by their commitment and service to each other. I love the way they know each other so well, the way they keep their romance alive, the way they make each other laugh and the way they overlook the little things that drive them crazy (most of the time). We look forward to being married for as long as they have been and pray that we can learn from their amazing example of what God designed marriage to be – one of the greatest blessings on this earth.
So, Mom and Dad, here’s to you two…to the love you share, the legacy you are leaving, and the golden years ahead. I wish I could be there to celebrate with you and to show you in person just how proud and grateful I am for the priceless gift you have given me, by loving God first and loving each other the way He calls you to.
Happy Anniversary!!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Camping Adventures

We put Lauren to bed around 8:00 and we stayed up to play cards for a while. But, by the time we headed to bed, we found her in the tent, suffering from a fever and miserable. We gave her some medicine and hoped for the best. Meanwhile, I could not get comfortable on the ground and ended up going to sleep in the car around 12:00am. Lauren woke up in the wee hours of the morning with a croup-like cough and it took about an hour and a half before she was able to get back to sleep. At around 4:00am, when she woke up with her second round of croup, we decided we needed to leave in the morning and head home. I doubt any of us got more than 4-5 hours of sleep that night. Lauren woke up at 7:00am wide awake and was devastated when we told her we needed to go home. We did get to go for a walk, see the lake, watch another camper catch a fish and then release it, and play in the lodge for a while before we had to take down the tent and pack up. We were home by 12:30 and we all took much-needed naps that afternoon!

I guess we should get an A for effort, but maybe should have known better. We promised Lauren that we would go back in October to that same place…when she is feeling better with no symptoms and after Daddy buys Mommy a nice new air mattress to sleep on in the tent. :)
Monday, September 17, 2007
89 days, 3 hours, 27 minutes
The amount of time elapsed since we moved to the South before one of us - well, Kimberly - uttered the term "y'all" in casual conversation. We had a bet on it. I won $20.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Life Getting Busy
What a busy week! Yes, I survived Lauren’s first day of school…thank you all for your prayers and encouragement. Thankfully, Ryan went with me and held my hand as I sobbed, watching her jump out of the car and walk into school for the first time. She had a wonderful first week and her teachers have nicknamed her their “little bundle of joy” because she is so cheerful. Here's a picture of her on her first day:

Wednesday night we went to our church to check out the pastor-led bible study they hold there. It just began for the school year and it is such a great idea. Every Wednesday evening starting at 5:30pm, they have a catered dinner, which you pay $11 per family for. Then, when the meal is over, the kids are taken downstairs for their class and the adults remain in the sanctuary for a prayer time and bible study, led by our senior pastor. We really enjoyed it and have decided to try to go every week, if we can. It’s also a great way to meet other people and fellowship while enjoying a home-cooked meal (that I didn’t have to make!).
On Friday evening, we were invited out to dinner with another couple from our Sunday school class. They are our age, but recently married 4 months ago. We had a nice time visiting with them, despite the distractions from Lauren, and then we had them back to our house for dessert.
Saturday morning, we decided to venture out in the heat (high-90’s) and attend a free carnival put on by one of the churches in our area. They had pony rides, different carnival games, bouncy castles, a puppet show and a BBQ lunch. Lauren had so much fun trying all the games and getting treats for each one. :) Later that night, we went back to the church for dinner. This meeting was for all the new couples who have joined the church within the last year. It was a chance for our Sunday school leaders to introduce us to one another and assign us to the smaller Care Groups that meet monthly for prayer and fellowship. We are finally starting to feel connected!!
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Learning to let go
I feel like it’s the beginning of the end – because once she starts going to school, it never ends until she leaves the house. Okay, yes, it’s just preschool, but it will be 3 days a week that I won’t get to spend with her. And I’m sure I will be grateful for that time once the baby comes, but for now, there is a deep sadness as I realize that she is growing up and becoming more independent.
I know that school will be a great experience for her to grow and learn and be in a more structured environment…and she is definitely ready for it. But, I also know that I will be that mom in the carpool line on the first day, crying my eyes out as she gets out of the car and marches to her classroom.
On one hand, I am dreading this time of change, but I am also so grateful that I have been able to stay at home with her from the beginning and experience every “first”. I am so proud of the amazing girl she is becoming and I know this is the first of many moments in her life where I must release her into the Lord’s hands and trust that He will be watching over her when I cannot. So, I ask for your prayers as I try to embrace this new stage of life and look forward to starting it all over again with baby #2.
Monday, September 3, 2007
A Special Visit
Sorry it has been so long since I’ve posted anything. I guess I’ve been waiting until I had “real news” to share. Life has been kind of ho-hum lately…just getting Lauren ready for school and doing some baking and decorating for fall.
We did have a really fun Labor Day weekend because Ryan’s mom flew out to visit! She got here late Friday night and stayed through Monday around dinner time. It was so nice to have her here, to show her our house and neighborhood and church and take her to some of our favorite places. Lauren was the most excited to have Grandma come. She ran into the guest room and woke her up early Saturday morning. I felt badly, but I actually don’t think she minded all that much. We tried to do a little sight-seeing, but we didn’t want to cram too much into the weekend, especially since she was here without her husband and we didn’t want him to miss out on some of the really cool stuff. But, we did venture downtown (they actually call it uptown here) on Monday and happened to catch a fun Labor Day parade right as it started. Lauren got to see a children’s marching band, horses and ponies and several decorated floats. The best part was the clown that handed out candy and popsicles. :)
His mom was also kind enough to watch Lauren for us so we could go out and enjoy a date-night (our first since we learned I was pregnant). Thanks to our fantastic realtor back in Oregon, who sent us a gift certificate for a very nice restaurant in town, we enjoyed a wonderful dinner and dessert and then walked to the nearby theater to catch a movie. It was so nice to get away just the two of us and have some time alone. We are definitely going to have to find a babysitter soon so we can have dates on a more regular basis!
His mom was also kind enough to watch Lauren for us so we could go out and enjoy a date-night (our first since we learned I was pregnant). Thanks to our fantastic realtor back in Oregon, who sent us a gift certificate for a very nice restaurant in town, we enjoyed a wonderful dinner and dessert and then walked to the nearby theater to catch a movie. It was so nice to get away just the two of us and have some time alone. We are definitely going to have to find a babysitter soon so we can have dates on a more regular basis!
Friday, August 17, 2007
The title of this blog really sums up this week for us. Jehovah-Jireh, one of the many names of God, means “the Lord will provide”. Obviously, since we began this journey, He has demonstrated that in so many ways…both big and small. This week was just another example of His incredible faithfulness to us. We are continually amazed by how He has chosen to pour blessings upon us, when we are so undeserving.
This story requires a little background, so you’ll have to bear with me. Back in April, after Ryan had officially accepted the job with Rubbermaid and we knew that we were moving here, I had to scramble to try and find a preschool with an opening for Lauren. I did some research online and finally found a Christian school that had one spot left for her age group. So, I signed her up and paid the registration fee. This was all done before we had flown back to look at houses. Months later, once we made an offer on this house and it was accepted, I realized that I was going to have a long commute taking her to school twice a week. I wasn’t thrilled about it, so I put her on two different waiting lists with schools closer to our house in Huntersville.
Once we moved out here and I did a “practice” drive to her school one morning, I was dreading the beginning of the school year – it took us 45 minutes without traffic! Plus, the program was 9:30-2:00, which meant that we wouldn’t get home until almost 3:00 on school days. And Lauren is still taking naps each day from 1:00 until almost 5:00. So, that meant that on Tuesdays and Thursdays, she would barely get a nap at all. So, after our drive that day, I began to pray that if this was really the place that God wanted her to be, that He would give me a peace about it. The other negative is that I was really wanting to join the Beth Moore bible study that our Women’s Group at church was going to do in the fall. But, it was scheduled for Tuesdays at 9:30, so that meant I couldn’t be a part of it. Again, I prayed because I knew this would be a great chance to get to know some of the ladies in the church and make close friends.
Monday evening of this week, our phone rang and it was the Director of the Huntersville First Baptist Preschool. She said that one of the families who had signed their daughter up for the 3-year-old class was moving out of state, so they had an opening. I was so shocked I could barely respond. I got all the information from her and scheduled a meeting with her for the next day so we could visit the school and check it out. Ryan and I prayed that night about it and asked that the Lord would make it clear to us where He wanted Lauren to be.
So, the next day, we went to meet with her and see the school. It only took 10 minutes to drive there from our house! The program seemed to be a much better fit for us – it goes from 9:00-1:00 (so she would still get home in time for her nap) and the tuition is less than the other school, too. The only catch is that it will be 3 days a week, instead of 2 (which I am still struggling with a little bit). But, with it being Monday, Wednesday, Friday…that meant I could now join the Women’s Bible Study at our church on Tuesday mornings. We felt an incredible peace when we left the school that afternoon and were amazed that the Lord had answered so many of our prayers, all in one day! But, that’s just how He is, isn’t it?
It reminds me of an old hymn that I love and have been singing all week long:
He giveth more grace when the burden grows greater;
He sendeth more strength when the labors increase.
To added affliction, He addeth His mercy;
To multiplied trials, His multiplied peace.
His love has no limit;
His grace has no measure;
His power has no boundary known unto men.
For out of His infinite riches in Jesus,
He giveth, and giveth, and giveth again!
This story requires a little background, so you’ll have to bear with me. Back in April, after Ryan had officially accepted the job with Rubbermaid and we knew that we were moving here, I had to scramble to try and find a preschool with an opening for Lauren. I did some research online and finally found a Christian school that had one spot left for her age group. So, I signed her up and paid the registration fee. This was all done before we had flown back to look at houses. Months later, once we made an offer on this house and it was accepted, I realized that I was going to have a long commute taking her to school twice a week. I wasn’t thrilled about it, so I put her on two different waiting lists with schools closer to our house in Huntersville.
Once we moved out here and I did a “practice” drive to her school one morning, I was dreading the beginning of the school year – it took us 45 minutes without traffic! Plus, the program was 9:30-2:00, which meant that we wouldn’t get home until almost 3:00 on school days. And Lauren is still taking naps each day from 1:00 until almost 5:00. So, that meant that on Tuesdays and Thursdays, she would barely get a nap at all. So, after our drive that day, I began to pray that if this was really the place that God wanted her to be, that He would give me a peace about it. The other negative is that I was really wanting to join the Beth Moore bible study that our Women’s Group at church was going to do in the fall. But, it was scheduled for Tuesdays at 9:30, so that meant I couldn’t be a part of it. Again, I prayed because I knew this would be a great chance to get to know some of the ladies in the church and make close friends.
Monday evening of this week, our phone rang and it was the Director of the Huntersville First Baptist Preschool. She said that one of the families who had signed their daughter up for the 3-year-old class was moving out of state, so they had an opening. I was so shocked I could barely respond. I got all the information from her and scheduled a meeting with her for the next day so we could visit the school and check it out. Ryan and I prayed that night about it and asked that the Lord would make it clear to us where He wanted Lauren to be.
So, the next day, we went to meet with her and see the school. It only took 10 minutes to drive there from our house! The program seemed to be a much better fit for us – it goes from 9:00-1:00 (so she would still get home in time for her nap) and the tuition is less than the other school, too. The only catch is that it will be 3 days a week, instead of 2 (which I am still struggling with a little bit). But, with it being Monday, Wednesday, Friday…that meant I could now join the Women’s Bible Study at our church on Tuesday mornings. We felt an incredible peace when we left the school that afternoon and were amazed that the Lord had answered so many of our prayers, all in one day! But, that’s just how He is, isn’t it?
It reminds me of an old hymn that I love and have been singing all week long:
He giveth more grace when the burden grows greater;
He sendeth more strength when the labors increase.
To added affliction, He addeth His mercy;
To multiplied trials, His multiplied peace.
His love has no limit;
His grace has no measure;
His power has no boundary known unto men.
For out of His infinite riches in Jesus,
He giveth, and giveth, and giveth again!
Friday, August 10, 2007
Fun-filled week
Well, I got a little ambitious this week and planned a different outing each day for Lauren and I. The weather here has been sweltering (between 95-over 100 degrees with humidity makes it feel around 107). So, all of the activities I planned (with the exception of one) were indoors with air-conditioning.
On Monday, we went to a mall near our house…specifically because I heard rumors that they had a carousel there. Not only did they have an old-fashioned carousel, but they also had a very cool play area, food court and some fun book and toy stores. She had so much fun riding on the carousel and waving at the people watching, as if she were a parade princess.
Tuesday took us down to South Charlotte near the school she will be attending. I discovered online a local children’s museum and thought we should go check it out. That was one of her favorite places to go back home in Oregon. And, although it was smaller than the one in Portland, it was still a lot of fun. They had different “stations” or areas of play. There was a grocery store where the kids could shop for pretend food and check-out, a castle with princess dress-up clothes and glass slippers, an art station with painting and play-dough, a stage complete with piano and drum set for performances, a pirate ship and a veterinarian office with animals and supplies. We spent over 2 hours there and she loved it. We also got to be a part of their story-time, where they read books and learned songs. We will definitely go back again!
Wednesday morning, we decided to take in a movie. The Regal Cinemas near our house has the free summer film festival, so we went to see Ice Age 2 – it was quite the special treat because she even got popcorn and Skittles!
On Thursday, we joined a mom’s-with-toddlers playgroup from our church. They had planned an outing at Jetton Park, one that we had never been to. I thought it would be a good chance to meet some of the other moms and let her make some new friends. It was the coolest park we have visited since moving here – lots of trails weaving through the forested areas, a huge playground and right by Lake Norman. Other than the heat (it got to be 104 that afternoon), we had a great time!
Friday was Ryan’s chance to take over. I had a dentist appointment that was going to take an hour and a half in the morning, so he took some time off work to hang out with Lauren so I could go. He took her to the local library, which we go to almost every week. They picked out new books to bring home, played on the kids computers and participated in story-time there.
All in all, it was a very full, but exciting week. I’m so glad that we were able to explore some of the neat places around us and try new things. I am taking advantage of these moments with her, because I’m realizing that once she begins school and then when the baby comes, we won’t have as many chances to do these things, just the two of us.
On Monday, we went to a mall near our house…specifically because I heard rumors that they had a carousel there. Not only did they have an old-fashioned carousel, but they also had a very cool play area, food court and some fun book and toy stores. She had so much fun riding on the carousel and waving at the people watching, as if she were a parade princess.
Tuesday took us down to South Charlotte near the school she will be attending. I discovered online a local children’s museum and thought we should go check it out. That was one of her favorite places to go back home in Oregon. And, although it was smaller than the one in Portland, it was still a lot of fun. They had different “stations” or areas of play. There was a grocery store where the kids could shop for pretend food and check-out, a castle with princess dress-up clothes and glass slippers, an art station with painting and play-dough, a stage complete with piano and drum set for performances, a pirate ship and a veterinarian office with animals and supplies. We spent over 2 hours there and she loved it. We also got to be a part of their story-time, where they read books and learned songs. We will definitely go back again!
Wednesday morning, we decided to take in a movie. The Regal Cinemas near our house has the free summer film festival, so we went to see Ice Age 2 – it was quite the special treat because she even got popcorn and Skittles!
On Thursday, we joined a mom’s-with-toddlers playgroup from our church. They had planned an outing at Jetton Park, one that we had never been to. I thought it would be a good chance to meet some of the other moms and let her make some new friends. It was the coolest park we have visited since moving here – lots of trails weaving through the forested areas, a huge playground and right by Lake Norman. Other than the heat (it got to be 104 that afternoon), we had a great time!
Friday was Ryan’s chance to take over. I had a dentist appointment that was going to take an hour and a half in the morning, so he took some time off work to hang out with Lauren so I could go. He took her to the local library, which we go to almost every week. They picked out new books to bring home, played on the kids computers and participated in story-time there.
All in all, it was a very full, but exciting week. I’m so glad that we were able to explore some of the neat places around us and try new things. I am taking advantage of these moments with her, because I’m realizing that once she begins school and then when the baby comes, we won’t have as many chances to do these things, just the two of us.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Canoe Trip

“Daddy Day” is something I (Ryan) invented last summer. It is one day set aside each month where I research, plan, and pull off a surprise outing for the family. I usually try to plan something that is extra fun or maybe something we wouldn’t normally do.
Now that we are settled in Charlotte, I put the program into effect for this past weekend. I chose to do something that was a big part of my childhood that I really wanted to introduce Lauren to: canoeing. My parents started canoeing with me when I was as young as 18 months old, and by the time I was 10, we had canoed as a family all across America and Canada. It was one of my favorite outdoor activities.
So, last Saturday morning we packed a picnic lunch and headed out to Lake Norman State Park. At the lake, we rented a canoe and all the equipment that goes with it.

Now that we are settled in Charlotte, I put the program into effect for this past weekend. I chose to do something that was a big part of my childhood that I really wanted to introduce Lauren to: canoeing. My parents started canoeing with me when I was as young as 18 months old, and by the time I was 10, we had canoed as a family all across America and Canada. It was one of my favorite outdoor activities.
So, last Saturday morning we packed a picnic lunch and headed out to Lake Norman State Park. At the lake, we rented a canoe and all the equipment that goes with it.

Lauren outfitted and ready to hit the water
With Kimberly sitting up front, and Lauren sitting on a floating pad in the middle of the canoe, I pushed us off into the water. The first words out of Lauren’s mouth were, “I want to go home!”, but once she saw the first fish jump out of the water she forgot to be afraid and started enjoying herself.
In our tour of the lake, Kimberly spotted and pointed out to us a fresh water turtle sun bathing on a limb sticking out of the water. We also saw some egrets hanging out in the shallows, a Great Blue Heron fly overhead, a small flock of Canadian Geese take off and fly at eye level past the boat, and some very cool Dragon Flies with black and white wings. Lauren loved canoeing under the low bridge that separated the two halves of the lake.
The best part for me, sitting in the back steering the canoe, was watching Lauren peer over the side and dangle her hands in the water. I realized that decades ago my parents watched me do the very same thing. It was a nostalgic moment remembering back to when that was me and seeing myself in my own daughter.

It was a hot, muggy day and an hour in the boat was just right. We turned the canoe and equipment back in and then enjoyed lunch overlooking the lake. We made the drive home just in time to get Lauren down for her nap. Later that night we headed out to dinner with Lauren to celebrate Kimberly and I’s 7th Anniversary. It was a great day!
Friday, July 27, 2007
...and Baby makes 4

Lauren is quite excited to be a big sister and keeps asking me when the baby can come out and play. They will be just a little over 4 years apart, so I know I’ll have a great helper in her. She insists, however, that it is going to be a girl and won’t have it any other way. So, she may have some adjusting to do if we find out otherwise. Thankfully, this house already has an extra room, perfect for a nursery, right on the other side of Lauren’s room (with a bathroom in between). So, we won’t have nearly as much preparing to do for this one as we did the first time around.
We feel so blessed by this incredible gift from God. After my surgery last summer, we weren’t sure if I’d be able to get pregnant again, so that makes it all the more precious and amazing. We ask for your prayers for a healthy and safe pregnancy and a smooth adjustment as we grow our family.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Welcome To Our Porch

Without a doubt, one of the most peaceful and relaxing places in our new house is our screened-in porch. You have the view of the backyard, complete with the bird and squirrel feeders, the rolling greens of the golf course…and even the occasional wild jack rabbits. With the weather here being nice most of the time, it is a great place to sit in the morning and eat breakfast while having your devotions. Although I think he is crazy, Ryan enjoys sitting out there to watch the thunderstorms.
While she was here, my mom made it her “special project” to buy outdoor lights and string them up along the top inside of the porch. So, sitting out there at night, amidst the glow of the lights and our table lantern, is cozy and intimate. Several nights, Ryan and I can be found playing cards on the porch and watching the fireflies. It is so nice to be able to relax and enjoy the outdoors in the evenings without the concern of mosquitoes, which are pretty thick here this time of year.
Lauren and Casey (our cat) love it out there too. Since filling the bird feeder with new seed, we have seen morning doves, cardinals and finches. And the squirrels will climb up and hang upside down on the bird feeder to try and get to the seed (even though they have their own corn-cob feeder on a tree nearby).
And, because we face the 13th tee box of a golf course, it is also humorous to watch the golfers, especially the ones with awkward-looking swings.

So, for all you people back home in the Northwest, you have to come visit and enjoy the quiet beauty of our NC nature from the view of our screened-in porch. You are welcome anytime! :)
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Locks of Love

Before picture
Today was the big day - Lauren went in to get 10 inches cut off her hair to donate to Locks of Love. We thought it would be a great way to teach her about giving to those who don't have as much as we do. So, a couple of months ago, I took her onto their website to show her the pictures of little girls who had no hair. After seeing the pictures, she was determined to do it. And, even though she was scared of going to the hairdresser's, she was excited about sharing her hair with a little girl who had none.
So, at 10:30am today, we took her in to a salon near us that was having a Locks of Love donating event. Lauren did so well - she sat very still and was smiling the whole time.
So, at 10:30am today, we took her in to a salon near us that was having a Locks of Love donating event. Lauren did so well - she sat very still and was smiling the whole time.

At the salon
She had more than enough hair to give and everyone kept commenting on how beautiful it was.

Holding her 10 inches
We promised her that if she didn't cry or scream, she could get an ice cream afterwards. She definitely earned it and she loves her new will be so much better in this heat. Needless to say, we were very proud of her and we know that she will make someone very happy with all that hair! :)

At the ice cream shop, sporting her new 'do
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Billy Graham Library
On July 7th, we had the privilege of taking my family to the Billy Graham Library in Charlotte. I don’t think any of us really knew what to expect, but we had heard from some friends at church that we had to go visit. So, on one of the hottest days we had suffered thus far, we packed in our cars and caravanned out to see it. It was not just a visit; so much as it was an experience. They had transported the home that Billy grew up in to this piece of property where the library was built. So, we got to walk through his childhood home (the building on the left in the picture below) and see many of their family pictures and heirlooms.

From there, we walked through the prayer garden (where Ruth Bell Graham was recently laid to rest).

My mom made a comment to Lauren about this being a wonderful place to pray and talk to Jesus. As you can see, she really took that to heart…

After our time in the garden, we proceeded onto the “barn”.

Once inside the barn, we were given tickets and told to go stand in front of Bessie, the cow. So, we walked over to what looked like a real cow – she was moving her head, swishing her tail and blinking her eyes. After a few minutes, she began to talk and tell the story of living on the Graham Family Farm and all about a little boy named “Billy Frank” and his heart for Jesus.

After her speech, we were directed over to a mini-theater and sat down to watch a video. It was a presentation of different testimonies of people that had a difficult time in their lives and hadn’t yet experienced Christ’s love and forgiveness. Once the video ended, the doors to our left opened and we were ushered into another room with a video screen. This screen showed the story of Billy Graham, how he was raised up and called by God to become an evangelist, and how many lives he was able to touch and win for Christ because he obeyed the Lord. As this video wrapped up, the doors to our right opened and then began our self-guided tour through different “rooms”, each designed to walk you through the many phases of Billy Graham’s life and ministry.
The first room was a re-creation of Billy Graham’s first tent “revival” meeting in Los Angeles. It was complete with street signs, brick walkway and the huge tent where it all began…so it really felt like you were there. They explained how he had planned to have it for 3 weeks, but it was so successful that they extended it for an unprecedented 2 months. There was also black-and-white video playing of a very young-looking Billy speaking at that first crusade.
The next room was decorated like the inside of a living room in a cozy home…and introduced Ruth Bell. There was a TV on one side of the room that was telling her story of growing up in China and her desire to have a ministry there someday. Then, Billy talked about seeing Ruth for the first time at Wheaton College in Illinois and how he knew that he would marry her. Although, it took some convincing for her to reach the same conclusion. They were married and settled in Illinois, where Billy took his first job as pastor of a small church. The video continued to talk about the progression of his ministry and the expanding of their family. As Billy began traveling more because of his evangelism, Ruth stayed home and was a full-time parent to their eventual 5 children.
The third room we entered was a typical 1950's sidewalk storefront. In the glass display windows of the stores were old televisions. This room explained how Billy used TV to reach a wider audience for Christ. He realized what a powerful tool this kind of media was and wanted to do whatever he could to tell the American public about the Good News.

We then walked into the first of many exhibit rooms with cases full of memorabilia documenting The Graham’s life and ministry. The first of the exhibit rooms housed a large cross at the back. There was a spotlight shining on it, making it the focal point. Lauren immediately saw the cross and solemnly walked over to gaze up at it. Ryan and I stood back and watched to see what she would do. She stared up at it for a while and then knelt down in front of it, bowed her head and folded her hands like she was praying. After a couple minutes, Ryan bent down to ask her what she was praying about. She said, “I was just telling Jesus that I was sad he had to die.” Needless to say, my mom and I started crying and it was one of those incredible “parent moments” when you are so thankful that the message is reaching and touching your child’s heart in a powerful and meaningful way.

We proceeded through more exhibit rooms and took our time looking through the memorabilia displayed. There were items such as Ruth’s engagement ring, Billy’s briefcase he carried with him for over 30+ years of crusade trips all over the world, gifts from various heads of state, decades of presidents, etc. One of the items that stood out to us as particularly impressive was a certificate and Presidential Medal of Freedom given to him by Ronald Reagan.

We completed our tour by entering the last theater room and watching a final video with the same people that began to share their testimonies at the beginning. They completed their stories by explaining that although they had faced trials and hardships, felt empty and unlovable, Jesus had loved them just as they were, forgiven them and changed their hearts. What an incredible message of hope and what a blessing to have our daughter with us and to know that she is hearing the gospel, along with countless other people who have walked through this library and been witnessed to. The overall message was not one of praise for Billy Graham and his accomplishments…but rather one of the incredible love of our Savior and how He can use anyone to impact the world if we are willing to say yes when He calls.

From there, we walked through the prayer garden (where Ruth Bell Graham was recently laid to rest).
My mom made a comment to Lauren about this being a wonderful place to pray and talk to Jesus. As you can see, she really took that to heart…
After our time in the garden, we proceeded onto the “barn”.
Once inside the barn, we were given tickets and told to go stand in front of Bessie, the cow. So, we walked over to what looked like a real cow – she was moving her head, swishing her tail and blinking her eyes. After a few minutes, she began to talk and tell the story of living on the Graham Family Farm and all about a little boy named “Billy Frank” and his heart for Jesus.
After her speech, we were directed over to a mini-theater and sat down to watch a video. It was a presentation of different testimonies of people that had a difficult time in their lives and hadn’t yet experienced Christ’s love and forgiveness. Once the video ended, the doors to our left opened and we were ushered into another room with a video screen. This screen showed the story of Billy Graham, how he was raised up and called by God to become an evangelist, and how many lives he was able to touch and win for Christ because he obeyed the Lord. As this video wrapped up, the doors to our right opened and then began our self-guided tour through different “rooms”, each designed to walk you through the many phases of Billy Graham’s life and ministry.
The first room was a re-creation of Billy Graham’s first tent “revival” meeting in Los Angeles. It was complete with street signs, brick walkway and the huge tent where it all began…so it really felt like you were there. They explained how he had planned to have it for 3 weeks, but it was so successful that they extended it for an unprecedented 2 months. There was also black-and-white video playing of a very young-looking Billy speaking at that first crusade.
The next room was decorated like the inside of a living room in a cozy home…and introduced Ruth Bell. There was a TV on one side of the room that was telling her story of growing up in China and her desire to have a ministry there someday. Then, Billy talked about seeing Ruth for the first time at Wheaton College in Illinois and how he knew that he would marry her. Although, it took some convincing for her to reach the same conclusion. They were married and settled in Illinois, where Billy took his first job as pastor of a small church. The video continued to talk about the progression of his ministry and the expanding of their family. As Billy began traveling more because of his evangelism, Ruth stayed home and was a full-time parent to their eventual 5 children.
The third room we entered was a typical 1950's sidewalk storefront. In the glass display windows of the stores were old televisions. This room explained how Billy used TV to reach a wider audience for Christ. He realized what a powerful tool this kind of media was and wanted to do whatever he could to tell the American public about the Good News.
We then walked into the first of many exhibit rooms with cases full of memorabilia documenting The Graham’s life and ministry. The first of the exhibit rooms housed a large cross at the back. There was a spotlight shining on it, making it the focal point. Lauren immediately saw the cross and solemnly walked over to gaze up at it. Ryan and I stood back and watched to see what she would do. She stared up at it for a while and then knelt down in front of it, bowed her head and folded her hands like she was praying. After a couple minutes, Ryan bent down to ask her what she was praying about. She said, “I was just telling Jesus that I was sad he had to die.” Needless to say, my mom and I started crying and it was one of those incredible “parent moments” when you are so thankful that the message is reaching and touching your child’s heart in a powerful and meaningful way.
We proceeded through more exhibit rooms and took our time looking through the memorabilia displayed. There were items such as Ruth’s engagement ring, Billy’s briefcase he carried with him for over 30+ years of crusade trips all over the world, gifts from various heads of state, decades of presidents, etc. One of the items that stood out to us as particularly impressive was a certificate and Presidential Medal of Freedom given to him by Ronald Reagan.
We completed our tour by entering the last theater room and watching a final video with the same people that began to share their testimonies at the beginning. They completed their stories by explaining that although they had faced trials and hardships, felt empty and unlovable, Jesus had loved them just as they were, forgiven them and changed their hearts. What an incredible message of hope and what a blessing to have our daughter with us and to know that she is hearing the gospel, along with countless other people who have walked through this library and been witnessed to. The overall message was not one of praise for Billy Graham and his accomplishments…but rather one of the incredible love of our Savior and how He can use anyone to impact the world if we are willing to say yes when He calls.
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