Unfortunately, the last couple of weeks have been marked with many illnesses for our family. First, I was diagnosed with a bacterial infection and had to be put on antibiotics. One week later, Lauren and I both came down with colds and fevers. Then, Lauren got a third-degree burn on her left pointer finger (trying to help Daddy make dinner). When we took her into the doctor for the burn, they diagnosed her with an ear infection and asthma. This girl has such a high pain tolerance that she didn’t cry when she got the burn and she told me her ear didn’t hurt. So, now she is on antibiotics for the ear infection and an inhaler three times a day for the asthma. Oh, and they gave us some burn cream for her finger and wrapped it up (it is healing nicely now). One day after that appointment, I went into my doctor and found that my bacterial infection had returned…back on the antibiotics for me. The doctor’s only concern with this is that if I continue to get these infections, it can cause preterm labor. So, we are praying that Nolan (did I mention that is the name we picked?) hangs in there until we are at least in the “safe zone”…and that I will not have to go on bedrest at all, like I did with Lauren. Thankfully, in the midst of all of this, Ryan has managed to stay completely well!!
We also celebrated my 29th birthday this past week. It was a hard day for me, being so far away from my family. I cried almost all day long, especially when I got the cards and presents and flowers that everyone back home had sent. But, Ryan and Lauren did take me out that night for a wonderful dinner at an Italian restaurant – and that cheered me up.
This coming week will be quite strange – our first Thanksgiving on our own. We have no plans yet and I think we will probably just end up staying home. I am not going to cook a whole turkey for just the 3 of us, so we will do a non-traditional dinner. But, we will still get to have a turkey meal, thanks to Lauren’s school. On Monday, they invited all the parents and grandparents to come and enjoy a Thanksgiving feast. The kids will put on a short program for us and we will all get to have a special lunch together. I’m sure we’ll be posting pictures next week of Lauren in her little costume. :)
On a lighter note, Ryan was able to get some pictures this week of the gorgeous fall colors near our house. It is absolutely spectacular to drive around and see the beauty of God’s creation every day!

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