Sunday, October 28, 2007

Women of Faith Weekend

I was blessed to be able to attend the Women of Faith conference this weekend in Charlotte. There was a large group of women from our Sunday school class that went and we had amazing seats right near the stage! It was such an incredible time of fellowship, prayer, worship and teaching. I was blown away to hear some of these women’s stories about love, loss, heartache and betrayal…but each of them learning, through it all, the power of God’s healing, forgiveness and a peace that passes understanding. It was a truly wonderful time that I will not soon forget!

Ryan and Lauren had a fun father/daughter weekend together while I was gone. Ryan and I came up with a great adventure they could go on together. So, on Saturday, he re-enacted the theme from the kids show “Go, Diego, Go!” and hid some of her stuffed animals all over the house while she was sleeping. Then, after she got up and ate breakfast, they went on a safari hunt to find and rescue the animals. They had their “rescue pack” with a flashlight, telescope and camera and they went from room to room finding the animals and saving them. She had so much fun and keeps asking if we can do it again.

Saturday was also an exciting milestone for us as I hit the halfway mark in my pregnancy! Lauren was able to feel the baby kick for the first time today, which was very fun for her…although Ryan still hasn’t felt him move yet. We are all getting quite anxious to meet this little guy and to have him join and complete our family!

1 comment:

Lynn said...

You guys are so creative and do such fun things with Lauren!

Jesse's Mom was just at the Women of Faith over by us (Minneapolis) and she raved about it too! Glad you were able to sneak away for a while and enjoy it!