Lauren is quite excited to be a big sister and keeps asking me when the baby can come out and play. They will be just a little over 4 years apart, so I know I’ll have a great helper in her. She insists, however, that it is going to be a girl and won’t have it any other way. So, she may have some adjusting to do if we find out otherwise. Thankfully, this house already has an extra room, perfect for a nursery, right on the other side of Lauren’s room (with a bathroom in between). So, we won’t have nearly as much preparing to do for this one as we did the first time around.
We feel so blessed by this incredible gift from God. After my surgery last summer, we weren’t sure if I’d be able to get pregnant again, so that makes it all the more precious and amazing. We ask for your prayers for a healthy and safe pregnancy and a smooth adjustment as we grow our family.
Hearing Lauren say she only wants a baby sister reminds me when my Mom told my little sister and I that we were going to be big sisters... I was a second grader and I told my Mom that I only wanted a brother. If the baby was going to be a girl I was throwing her in the garbage. My sister wanted another sister. I won!! We got a little brother! :)
Aunt Kimmy I'm so proud of you and our newest family member. Hope everything in NC is going well!
Much Love,
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