Monday, October 25, 2010

Craft of the Week

This week I decided to do something less seasonal and more fun! We just made a big trip to Costco so we had a lot of empty cardboard food boxes. While it didn't end up being that structurally sound (I'm no architect)...we had fun making it and he loves using his new double-decker parking garage for his matchbox cars. You can make anything work with some duct tape! :)

1 comment:

Lynn said...

So when are you going to write your 365 days of crafts book? I saw Lauren's nature school project too and that was awesome! Last week I sat down with Mallory to make a paper plate ghost and um - I'm too much of a perfectionist and when she tries to "help" I start to panic. : ) As I'm glueing the arm on she is ripping the other arm off. I give her some stickers and she thinks stickers are a tasty little snack. Maybe she is still too little. But when I got it all done I held it up and she went "yay" and clapped. : )