Saturday, March 27, 2010

Mother/Daughter Journal

Today I ran a little errand over to the LifeWay Christian Bookstore. I was on a mission to find a journal for Lauren and I to share. The idea is to have a special journal for just the two of us - a place where I can write her encouragement notes, thoughts, dreams I have for her or verses I come across that I want her to read. And for her to be able to share her heart with write out things that she may be feeling, but has a hard time verbalizing or to tell me things that are going on at school; etc. Now that she is reading and writing so well, I thought this was a perfect time to start. And I'm hoping that once we get into the habit of using it, it will become a great tool to keep the lines of communication open when she heads into the tween/teen years. Plus, it will be fun to look back on when she is older and what a precious keepsake for me to treasure when she leaves the house (sniff)!

I came home with the perfect journal for us - totally girlie with flowers and Proverbs 3:5 printed on the front (one of my favorite verses). I proudly wrote inside: This journal belongs to Kimberly & Lauren Smith. I took it into her room and explained to her what it was for and how it would work - when I write something for her, I will place it on her nightstand. Then, when she has written something for me to read, she puts it on my nightstand. She was very excited about this idea and after I left her room, she promptly wrote the first message: I love you mom. It melted my heart...looking forward to many more "journal conversations"!

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Such a fun and special idea. I may highjack this one... hope you won't mind!