Sunday, February 21, 2010

Low Offers & Sick Kiddo

What a crazy few days it has been around the Smith household! It all started Thursday afternoon when I picked up Lauren from school. She said she had been coughing alot in class and felt like her eyes were burning. Sure enough, when I took her temperature at home, she was running a low fever. So, I gave her some tylenol and set her up on the couch.

Even though she said she felt better in the morning, I kept her home from school on Friday (she was quite bummed because it was "Western Day" and she wanted to wear her cowgirl hat and bandana). The fever continued to fluctuate throughout the day and her cough only got worse. I felt terrible because we HAD to leave the house for a showing in the afternoon and she really didn't feel up to it. It was a 2nd showing, which was a good sign...and as it turned out, these people really liked the house. They were relocating here from Rhode Island and were trying to make a decision by the end of the weekend.

Friday night we got a call from our realtor that we had an offer! We were so excited and just praising the Lord and celebrating...UNTIL we saw what the offer was. Now, I understand that the economy is slow and people are getting crazy deals on houses, but this was ridiculous. After praying about it, we decided to counter-offer to see what they would do. They counter-offered back. We countered again and told them this was the lowest we could accept. They decided to go to their 2nd choice house and make an offer there. :( As disappointed as we were, we knew we had done the right thing.

In the midst of this whole real estate game, we had calls for two more showings on Saturday. Again, we were making Lauren leave the house and she was getting worse by the minute - over 103 degree fever and her cough sounded awful. So, when we finally got home, we put both the kids to bed early and we, too, were in bed by 9pm!! Then this morning, Lauren woke up vomiting...unfortunately, she had forgotten the "bucket" we had put by her bed and we have white carpets!! So, off Ryan ran to rent a carpet cleaning machine to see if we could get the stains out...all the while I am PRAYING we don't get a call for a showing! (Praise the Lord, we didn't...and the stains came out!!)

So, needless to say, I will be taking Lauren in to the doctor tomorrow to have them check her out and see if she needs an antibiotic. Oh, and did I mention that my husband is leaving this afternoon on a trip?!? Not the best timing, but I keep reminding myself that the Lord has consistently provided for us in times of need when Ryan is gone and He is faithful to give me the strength I need to get through each day. But, as always, we appreciate your prayers!!

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