Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Lesson From Paul

I have been seeing a physical therapist since we came back from Oregon - to address the bulging disc in my back. Through the process of doing different exercises and having him evaluate me, we have discovered that it wasn't just my bulging L5 S1 disc that was causing me pain. Yesterday, after a series of tests, he determined that I also have an abnormality in my left sacroiliac joint AND my left leg is almost an inch shorter than my right leg. I now have to wear a "wedge" in my left shoe to help even myself out. He also said that I need to limit the length of time that I wear heels for...which, for those of you who know me, is like the worst news EVER!! He gave me new exercises to do based on this recent discovery and is recommending we start doing steroid injections into my hip.

I left his office yesterday feeling so defeated and discouraged. I got into my car and completely fell apart! So, I spent the whole day in prayer and tears, asking God "why?". And I felt alot like Paul, when he asks God to remove the "thorn in his flesh" (2 Corinthians 12:7-10) and God says no...but that His strength would be made perfect in Paul's weakness. After my little pity party, I was able to put things into perspective and realize there are people dealing with so much worse than this. And that no matter what this means for me going forward, God is going to give me exactly what I need to deal with it. I have to keep reminding myself that God made this body and that none of this is a surprise to Him. So, I will choose to praise Him no matter what my physical circumstances...and I'm so thankful that I have a "new body" to look forward to in heaven!!! :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, that is such a lot. But, I am so glad for the medical treatment available to help you! So sorry about the high heel limitation! I do know how much you love to wear them! Praying that things get better quickly! Great perspective!