Friday, May 21, 2010

Preparing for Summer

I know I haven't posted in a while - things have been busy getting ready for the end of the school year...and we only have 5 weeks left until we leave for Oregon!! The four of us will be leaving on June 23rd - Ryan will stay through the 4th of July and then come back home. But, the kids and I will stay for a month with my parents. Needless to say, they are very excited - Lauren gets to do VBS at our old church; we have a camping trip planned with my whole family and there will be LOTS of swimming in my parents' pool!! :)

It's hard to believe that Lauren will soon be a 1st grader - she has finished kindergarten at the top of her class and is now reading 4th grade level books! She just finished a book and has now decided to try to read through her Bible...she is in the middle of Genesis already and it has prompted some very interesting discussions! :) We are so proud of her and it has been really fun to watch her get so excited about all she is learning.

As for Nolan, he is still all boy - pushing his trucks around the backyard and collecting rocks are his favorite things to do. He is still a little behind with his verbal communication, but we are working on it. His latest words are "keys" and "boo-boo". He has also gotten the hang of saying his please and thank-you's without prompting from us, which is nice (check that one off the list!). He continues to be the sweetest thing ever - he has such a repentant heart when he is disciplined and is very affectionate.

The most fun for us has been watching the kids develop a very close friendship. Just in the last month, we have really seen them connect and become "buddies". I remember when we had him, we were so worried that the 4 year age difference would be too much. But, the Lord has proved us wrong - there is nothing that warms my heart more than watching them play together, share toys and seeing Lauren read books to him. He really looks up to her and when given the opportunity, she will fiercely protect and defend is so sweet!!

Here are some recent pictures:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

exciting, wonderful, you are so blessed! Congrats on Lauren's progress!