I was completely freaked out so I called Ryan at work and asked him what I should do. He said I had to open the front door and "usher" it back outside. Oh, sure, no problem...easier said than done!! The first thing I did was run upstairs and grab Nolan - I needed someone to protect me! I explained to him the whole process of what we needed to do and he was game. So, together we approached the lizard - me, with broom in hand, and Nolan, with the squirt bottle. At first it didn't move and I thought maybe it crawled in our house only to die. But, finally on the third nudge of the broom it scurried out from behind the curtain.
Nolan quickly ran over and squirted it with water (which he thought was helping, but I think the lizard liked it). I had the front door open and we were trying to get it headed in that direction. Well, this was either the dumbest lizard ever born or it really liked our house. Instead of crawling towards the door to freedom, it darted under the piano. GREAT...now how was I going to get it out?!? After about 5 minutes of working and aggravating the poor thing, it reluctantly came out and (appropriately) ran over to the time-out stool. :) From there, it was just one more corner and it would be out!
We finally succeeded and I quickly slammed the door and locked it shut. Nolan & I gave each other high-fives and then he said to me, "More!". As cute as it was, I informed him that we would not be doing any more of that (hopefully)! I checked the front porch 30 minutes later and "our little friend" was nowhere to be seen. I was relieved our adventure was over, but then I started thinking...how did it get inside the house...and how long had it been here? There is probably no way to know, but I am just praying we don't have any more visitors this spring!! :)
hahaha! Nolan didn't want to pick up!? Icky!!
That would have been a dream come true for David and Ben! Do you remember they spent their entire summers trying to find them, imagine them having one wander right in the house to them...like Christmas morning! I hope Ryan is very proud of you! I would have put a bowl over it and a heavy book and waited for Justin.
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