Sunday, January 10, 2010

Finally back home!

Well, we made it! We ended up staying in Oregon until Wednesday of last it turned out, Nolan did have roseola. Once the fever was gone (after 3 and a half days of it), the rash came and he started to feel better. So we booked our flight and headed home. I have to say, it was the easiest travel day we have ever had. The kids did great, there were no delays and the Lord was clearly "going before us" each step of the way. We got home late Wednesday night, so I let Lauren skip the school day Thursday to get adjusted to the time change and get caught up on her sleep. We did lots of grocery shopping and laundry that day and the kids had a great time re-discovering all their old toys.

Lauren returned to school on Friday after missing almost the whole week - her teacher and friends were very happy to have her back and I think she was glad to get back into her schedule too. (Although we are having to do lots of make-up homework this weekend, which she isn't so fond of.) As much as we already miss our families, it is good to be home and to get back to our normal routine. We will have the house ready for showings again on Monday and with two large companies moving their headquarters to Charlotte (Husqvarna and Electrolux), we are hopeful that our house will sell by or before the spring.

The last update I have is that my hernia, we believe, has healed itself. I have no pain there anymore and can't feel the protrusion that I used to. I am still taking precautions and easing back into my workouts, but I did cancel my surgery and we are praying it won't be needed. God is good!!

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