Monday, November 9, 2009

First Report Card

This week Lauren was sent home with her very first report card! We have our Parent/Teacher conference tomorrow night, so I knew we would get it before then. I was so anxious to see what her teacher had said so I peeked while we were sitting at a red light...I couldn't wait until we got home!

It made me so proud as I scanned the paper to see all the E's & M's (they don't get "real" grades yet - E means exceeds expectations and M means meets expectations). Of course, her E's were in the places I knew they would be: Bible, PE, Reading, Music/Drama. And, the poor girl is going to take after her mother and struggle with math (that was the only place she had a P...which means progressing towards expectations).

But, grades aside, the part that really made me want to brag on her was the comments her teacher wrote at the end: "Lauren brings wonderful thoughts and interest into the classroom. She has a vast knowledge of facts in science and the Bible. She is an amazing addition to our class."

I couldn't have been prouder at that moment. Yes, it is great that she has good grades, but nothing beats hearing that your child knows her Bible!! :)

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