Saturday, February 21, 2009

A Purposeful Life

"God determined the times set for us and the exact places that we should live. He did this so that we would seek Him and reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us."
~ Acts 17:26-27

The more that time passes, the more God is working in our hearts to accept His plan. We are realizing that we can refuse to walk in obedience to God or cower in fear from our calling and He will still accomplish His agenda. But, we will pass up the fulfillment of our life-purpose and miss a mighty work...maybe even a mighty deliverance. We know that none of God's purposes for our lives will be fulfilled easily. All of them will require the most difficult decisions we think we can make. Decisions that we may feel will practically kill us. But, we were not called to an easy life. We were called to a purposeful life. And so we will choose to make the Godward decision over convenience or earthly comfort, whatever that means and wherever that takes us...

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