Today was the due date for Lauren's application money at the school where we have her registered for kindergarten. We didn't know how we were going to pay the $500 because we just plain didn't have it. Last Friday, Ryan checked our bank account to make sure he had received his severance pay for the week and it looked as though they had made a mistake and paid him twice. So, he called them to clarify and they informed him that because he was part of the "food service group" while he worked there, he received part of their annual bonus. He had no idea that they were even giving out bonuses and was amazed that they would still include him in that, even though he was laid off. And it was enough to pay the $500 to Lauren's school.
This is a perfect example of the way the Lord has been providing for us since Ryan lost his job. We witnessed dozens of things just like this the last time he was unemployed. And it was as if God was saying to us, "Don't forget!" Of course, the human nature in me was tempted to think, "Does God providing this money mean that we will still be here come September?" But, I honestly don't think that's why He did it. I think He was doing what He so often does in our lives - showing His sovereignty and displaying His faithfulness..."so that no man can boast".
There is a song that we heard when we watched the "Fireproof" movie on Valentine's Day that keeps playing over and over in my head and is a great reminder for us:
I'm waiting
I'm waiting on You, Lord
And I am hopeful
I'm waiting on You, Lord
Though it is painful
But patiently, I will wait
I'm waiting
I'm waiting on You, Lord
And I am peaceful
I'm waiting on You, Lord
Though it's not easy
But faithfully, I will wait
Yes, I will wait
I will move ahead, bold and confident
Taking every step in obedience
While I'm waiting, I will serve You
While I'm waiting, I will worship
While I'm waiting, I will not faint
I'll be running the race, even while I wait
(You can watch the music video and hear the song at
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
A Purposeful Life
"God determined the times set for us and the exact places that we should live. He did this so that we would seek Him and reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us."
~ Acts 17:26-27
The more that time passes, the more God is working in our hearts to accept His plan. We are realizing that we can refuse to walk in obedience to God or cower in fear from our calling and He will still accomplish His agenda. But, we will pass up the fulfillment of our life-purpose and miss a mighty work...maybe even a mighty deliverance. We know that none of God's purposes for our lives will be fulfilled easily. All of them will require the most difficult decisions we think we can make. Decisions that we may feel will practically kill us. But, we were not called to an easy life. We were called to a purposeful life. And so we will choose to make the Godward decision over convenience or earthly comfort, whatever that means and wherever that takes us...
~ Acts 17:26-27
The more that time passes, the more God is working in our hearts to accept His plan. We are realizing that we can refuse to walk in obedience to God or cower in fear from our calling and He will still accomplish His agenda. But, we will pass up the fulfillment of our life-purpose and miss a mighty work...maybe even a mighty deliverance. We know that none of God's purposes for our lives will be fulfilled easily. All of them will require the most difficult decisions we think we can make. Decisions that we may feel will practically kill us. But, we were not called to an easy life. We were called to a purposeful life. And so we will choose to make the Godward decision over convenience or earthly comfort, whatever that means and wherever that takes us...
Friday, February 20, 2009
Because of the restrictions on this new computer we're borrowing from a friend, we have been having some difficulties sending pictures of the kids to our family. So, we are going to post some here for everyone to see!

Enjoying a rare snow day

Sharing his food with sister

Dressed up & ready to go to church

Nolan's 1st Nike's

Trying to share some PB&J
Enjoying a rare snow day
Sharing his food with sister
Dressed up & ready to go to church
Nolan's 1st Nike's
Trying to share some PB&J
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
The Human Dilemma of Destiny
This week has been an interesting one, full of ups and downs...and more than anything, continued uncertainty about the future. On Monday, Ryan was asked back for a second interview at Lenox, which is in MA. They are going to fly him out the first week in March. Amazingly, I didn't panic when I heard this news nor did my head spin about the possibility of moving to another state even FURTHER away from Oregon.
Then on Tuesday, I attended my women's Bible Study at the church (we are doing Beth Moore's study on the book of Esther). The video lesson we watched felt like it was directed right at me. I realized that the Lord has been trying to gently tell me something and obviously, I wasn't Tuesday, it was as if He was shouting it from the rooftops. And, believe me, I heard Him this time.
The lesson was talking about the dilemma of destiny from a human perspective. In other words, fulfilling your God-appointed destiny (or His will for your life) never comes without some inner conflict. It is often a crisis that God uses to pivot our direction...and when He does, it may seem to us like it is the worst timing and that it is an unreasonable expectation. We can certainly relate to that - it seemed to us that it didn't make sense that God would have us move from NC right now, when we've just built friendships, gotten plugged in at church, picked a kindergarten for Lauren, etc. And it seems completely unreasonable (especially given the current state of our economy) that God would ask us to try and sell our house right now and move to a brand new place.
Then she made a statement that hit me like a ton of bricks: "When God stops short of revealing something that we think we need to know, He is calling us to faith." It was convicting, but also a great reminder. Because I do feel like I need to know if we're going or staying and if we are leaving, where is it we are headed? But, God is telling us (for right now, at least) that we don't need to know...we need to just trust Him and patiently wait on Him for the answers, which He will reveal in His own perfect time.
Since then, I have spent alot of time praying and pondering these things and the overwhelming sense that I get is that God is preparing my heart and working in me to be ready for what comes next. I am not saying that means He is going to move us somewhere again, but I do believe He's making it clear that whatever job Ryan takes, it will be a significant change for our family. I have to admit, I am terrified. I trust the Lord with my life and I know that He knows what is best for me (better than I do myself), but I am still afraid.
To further add to my confusion, the school that was our first choice for Lauren for kindergarten held their "lottery" today. We got a phone call this afternoon and said that she made it - we were the first family they called. I was so thrilled, but bewildered at this same time. I wanted to shout, "Lord, what does this mean?!? Does this even matter?" And He reminded me, in His not-so-subtle way, of a verse that is all I need to know:
"And you shall know that I am the Lord your God.
It is I who made you, and you are mine."
~Psalm 100:3a
Then on Tuesday, I attended my women's Bible Study at the church (we are doing Beth Moore's study on the book of Esther). The video lesson we watched felt like it was directed right at me. I realized that the Lord has been trying to gently tell me something and obviously, I wasn't Tuesday, it was as if He was shouting it from the rooftops. And, believe me, I heard Him this time.
The lesson was talking about the dilemma of destiny from a human perspective. In other words, fulfilling your God-appointed destiny (or His will for your life) never comes without some inner conflict. It is often a crisis that God uses to pivot our direction...and when He does, it may seem to us like it is the worst timing and that it is an unreasonable expectation. We can certainly relate to that - it seemed to us that it didn't make sense that God would have us move from NC right now, when we've just built friendships, gotten plugged in at church, picked a kindergarten for Lauren, etc. And it seems completely unreasonable (especially given the current state of our economy) that God would ask us to try and sell our house right now and move to a brand new place.
Then she made a statement that hit me like a ton of bricks: "When God stops short of revealing something that we think we need to know, He is calling us to faith." It was convicting, but also a great reminder. Because I do feel like I need to know if we're going or staying and if we are leaving, where is it we are headed? But, God is telling us (for right now, at least) that we don't need to know...we need to just trust Him and patiently wait on Him for the answers, which He will reveal in His own perfect time.
Since then, I have spent alot of time praying and pondering these things and the overwhelming sense that I get is that God is preparing my heart and working in me to be ready for what comes next. I am not saying that means He is going to move us somewhere again, but I do believe He's making it clear that whatever job Ryan takes, it will be a significant change for our family. I have to admit, I am terrified. I trust the Lord with my life and I know that He knows what is best for me (better than I do myself), but I am still afraid.
To further add to my confusion, the school that was our first choice for Lauren for kindergarten held their "lottery" today. We got a phone call this afternoon and said that she made it - we were the first family they called. I was so thrilled, but bewildered at this same time. I wanted to shout, "Lord, what does this mean?!? Does this even matter?" And He reminded me, in His not-so-subtle way, of a verse that is all I need to know:
"And you shall know that I am the Lord your God.
It is I who made you, and you are mine."
~Psalm 100:3a
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Hearts Day!!
Today was a fun Valentine's Day for the Smith family. After breakfast, we sent Lauren on a treasure hunt to find her present from us. We had made the clues the night before - all of them in poems that rhymed - and hid them in places all over the house. She had no problem finding each one and had so much fun running from room to room. The last clue led her to the "treasure chest" where her present was (a new Leapster game).
I also made a Valentine's cake, which Lauren helped with. It was a four layer yellow cake with fudge filling and vanilla buttercream frosting. I also cut some hearts out of fondant and put those on and Lauren insisted on some sprinkles for the top. Here is our masterpiece:

After the kids' afternoon naps, we went out for dinner as a family, which we RARELY do. It was a lot of fun...Nolan even tried a dill pickle! Then we came home to enjoy our cake and exchange cards. Once we put the kids to bed, we were able to have time just the two of us. Ryan rented the movie "Fireproof", which we HIGHLY recommend if you haven't seen it already! It was the perfect way to end our fun-filled day as a family - enjoying each other's company, finding creative ways to show our love and building lasting memories.
I also made a Valentine's cake, which Lauren helped with. It was a four layer yellow cake with fudge filling and vanilla buttercream frosting. I also cut some hearts out of fondant and put those on and Lauren insisted on some sprinkles for the top. Here is our masterpiece:
After the kids' afternoon naps, we went out for dinner as a family, which we RARELY do. It was a lot of fun...Nolan even tried a dill pickle! Then we came home to enjoy our cake and exchange cards. Once we put the kids to bed, we were able to have time just the two of us. Ryan rented the movie "Fireproof", which we HIGHLY recommend if you haven't seen it already! It was the perfect way to end our fun-filled day as a family - enjoying each other's company, finding creative ways to show our love and building lasting memories.
Job Search Update
It's been just 3 short weeks since I was laid off and I have been lucky enough to interview with two companies already.
The first was with Lenox, who is another division within Newell Rubbermaid, working on Power Tool Accessories. The job is located near Springfield, MA. I'm now waiting to hear about possibly flying up for an in-person interview.
The second opportunity is with Hunter-Douglas, a premium window covering manufacturer. They are located about 40 miles from where we live, which would make for a long commute, but at least we wouldn't have to move. I met with their Director of Marketing on Wednesday and am anticipating I'll be called back next week to meet with their VP/GM of the division.
There are a few other things floating around, but not worth mentioning yet. The intensity of the search has gone down a little, so I'm using most afternoons to work on projects around the house like organizing the attic, working in the yard, and other things I always said I would do someday when I had the time...I now have the time!
The best part of being laid off is getting to take Lauren to school everyday, hanging out with Nolan in the afternoons, and getting to have devotional time with Kimberly while both the kids are taking naps. I guess I'll go back to work eventually, but I'm enjoying the time off for now.
Thanks for following along and praying for us through this fun but uncertain time!
The first was with Lenox, who is another division within Newell Rubbermaid, working on Power Tool Accessories. The job is located near Springfield, MA. I'm now waiting to hear about possibly flying up for an in-person interview.
The second opportunity is with Hunter-Douglas, a premium window covering manufacturer. They are located about 40 miles from where we live, which would make for a long commute, but at least we wouldn't have to move. I met with their Director of Marketing on Wednesday and am anticipating I'll be called back next week to meet with their VP/GM of the division.
There are a few other things floating around, but not worth mentioning yet. The intensity of the search has gone down a little, so I'm using most afternoons to work on projects around the house like organizing the attic, working in the yard, and other things I always said I would do someday when I had the time...I now have the time!
The best part of being laid off is getting to take Lauren to school everyday, hanging out with Nolan in the afternoons, and getting to have devotional time with Kimberly while both the kids are taking naps. I guess I'll go back to work eventually, but I'm enjoying the time off for now.
Thanks for following along and praying for us through this fun but uncertain time!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
"Sometimes providence can be defined as times when God trumps your perfectly good plan with one of His own...and then seems to disappear from it."
I (Kimberly) read this statement while working on my Bible Study for the week and it struck a chord with me. I began to think about it in terms of our situation. Our "perfectly good plan" was to stay in Oregon and grow our family. God decided to trump that plan and take us out of our comfort zone - way out. He asked us to move across the country and we obeyed, trusting that He must have something amazing and special for us here in North Carolina. And now, less than 2 years later, we find ourselves in limbo yet again. With no real job prospects on the horizon (except for one in Massachusetts) it is tempting to think He has disappeared. While we have made good friends here, seen more of the country and expanded our family, we aren't sure if we've fulfilled what He brought us here for. Which begs the question..."why did he move us here in the first place?"
As I pondered all these things and more, the Lord reminded me of a passage of scripture - it doesn't provide the answers for all the burning questions I have concerning our future and His will for us. But, it does give me everything I need to know for right now and for the days ahead.
"I will never leave you nor forsake you. Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1:5b, 7-9
I (Kimberly) read this statement while working on my Bible Study for the week and it struck a chord with me. I began to think about it in terms of our situation. Our "perfectly good plan" was to stay in Oregon and grow our family. God decided to trump that plan and take us out of our comfort zone - way out. He asked us to move across the country and we obeyed, trusting that He must have something amazing and special for us here in North Carolina. And now, less than 2 years later, we find ourselves in limbo yet again. With no real job prospects on the horizon (except for one in Massachusetts) it is tempting to think He has disappeared. While we have made good friends here, seen more of the country and expanded our family, we aren't sure if we've fulfilled what He brought us here for. Which begs the question..."why did he move us here in the first place?"
As I pondered all these things and more, the Lord reminded me of a passage of scripture - it doesn't provide the answers for all the burning questions I have concerning our future and His will for us. But, it does give me everything I need to know for right now and for the days ahead.
"I will never leave you nor forsake you. Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1:5b, 7-9
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Snow in the South
Other than the obvious drawbacks to being laid off, people don't really get to see all the up-sides that exist. Today was a great example as we woke up to a winter wonderland of snow outside. So, both Lauren and I took a "snow day" and had fun playing out in the backyard and on the golf course.

We made snow angels, had a little snowball fight, rolled down the hills on the course, and she perfected the "Lauren Move", which consisted of her running full speed down a hill, leaping in the air, landing on her knees and sliding on the snow. The highlight for her was when we found a group of about 8 kids sledding down a steep hill near the 13th green. The oldest boy offered to let Lauren borrow a sled and take a run or two. She was ecstatic as we climbed the hill, mostly because she had never been sledding before. Without fear she jumped on the sled and with a push from Dad she was shooting down the hill screaming with glee. For her second run, a little girl on the hill asked if she wanted to race, so they flew down the hill together.

It was a great day, because for all the snow we got when visiting Oregon over the holidays, Lauren was too sick to get to go out and play in it. And for me, it was so much fun to go play in the snow with my daugher, and she helped me to feel like a little boy again. In that way, she helped take all of my cares away and let me just enjoy an unexpected and surreal day of snow in the South.
We made snow angels, had a little snowball fight, rolled down the hills on the course, and she perfected the "Lauren Move", which consisted of her running full speed down a hill, leaping in the air, landing on her knees and sliding on the snow. The highlight for her was when we found a group of about 8 kids sledding down a steep hill near the 13th green. The oldest boy offered to let Lauren borrow a sled and take a run or two. She was ecstatic as we climbed the hill, mostly because she had never been sledding before. Without fear she jumped on the sled and with a push from Dad she was shooting down the hill screaming with glee. For her second run, a little girl on the hill asked if she wanted to race, so they flew down the hill together.
It was a great day, because for all the snow we got when visiting Oregon over the holidays, Lauren was too sick to get to go out and play in it. And for me, it was so much fun to go play in the snow with my daugher, and she helped me to feel like a little boy again. In that way, she helped take all of my cares away and let me just enjoy an unexpected and surreal day of snow in the South.
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