Our vacation back home was wonderful! Lauren had so much fun playing with her cousins and getting special time with her Grandma & Papa, Grandma & Grandpa and Auntie Kelly. I also had opportunities to get out on my own (thank you mom!) for the first time since Nolan was born. I was able to go see two movies in the theater and get together with some of my girlfriends for dessert. We made countless memories with our families – ones that I will cherish in the long months to come…until Christmas when we can see them all again.
For me, the best part of being in Oregon was that Nolan seemed to suddenly improve overnight. He was like a different baby – taking better naps, eating without screaming and so smiley! His struggles have burdened my heart so heavily for the past few months that it truly felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. And while he still has days that are difficult (doesn’t every baby?!?), they are so few and far between now. I look back on the last few months and see it as a time when the Lord truly taught me reliance on Him. I knew that He was in control of the situation and that He would give me the strength I needed to persevere. And that is just what He did - He carried me through to the other side and delivered me through the fire. I am so thankful that I stuck with it and didn’t give up on nursing Nolan – I have finally reached that day that I dreamed of where I can enjoy it again. He is such a blessing!
More pictures from our trip:
I love my Aunt Kelly!!
Hanging out with Grandma (Ryan's Mom)

All the cousins
1 comment:
What a great and diligent mommy are dear friend! I am so glad that Nolan is doing so well. Miss you dearly!
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