Conventional wisdom wouldn't lead a rational person to try and sell a house in this real estate market. But we aren't rational people. Or at least, God doesn't always call His people to do rational things. He doesn't appear as awesome when he calls people to buy low, sell high. So, we have our house on the market and are hopeful we can move in time for the school year to start and Lauren can begin Kindergarten at the school we selected for her.
Our realtor, a very nice gentleman named Ray Lyles, had someone come out and create a virtual tour of our home. You might enjoy seeing it, as it shows the house better than we have shared here before. You can see it here: Virtual Tour
We have had two showings in the first week and we are hopeful that God will move swiftly on our behalf. -- RTS
Friday, May 29, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Remington Arms Co.
I officially started my new job at Remington Arms Co. this week. My new job title is Brand Manager - Law Enforcement/Tactical Firearms. This encompasses shotguns, sniper rifles and assualt rifles intended for LE or tactical consumers.
I call it a job, but Kimberly thinks it is laughable that I get paid to do this type of stuff. To some extent I feel the same way. For instance, my first business trip in mid-June is a three day live fire orientation on the new military platform weapons that the company is developing. That hardly sounds like I'm laboring. Of course I joke, because there is a tremendous amount of marketing and brand strategy that is required in the Law Enforcement market for Remington to be successful, and this is a newly created position with no road-map to follow. So, in truth, this may be the most challenging role I have ever served in.
I won't bring a lot of specifics about my work to this blog, only because I don't know if the interest level is there. What is most important for me to share is that I am tremendously grateful for God's blessing and timing, I am thankful for a job that combines what I'm good at with what I'm passionate for, and I can already see that I will fit in nicely and can flourish here. -- RTS
I call it a job, but Kimberly thinks it is laughable that I get paid to do this type of stuff. To some extent I feel the same way. For instance, my first business trip in mid-June is a three day live fire orientation on the new military platform weapons that the company is developing. That hardly sounds like I'm laboring. Of course I joke, because there is a tremendous amount of marketing and brand strategy that is required in the Law Enforcement market for Remington to be successful, and this is a newly created position with no road-map to follow. So, in truth, this may be the most challenging role I have ever served in.
I won't bring a lot of specifics about my work to this blog, only because I don't know if the interest level is there. What is most important for me to share is that I am tremendously grateful for God's blessing and timing, I am thankful for a job that combines what I'm good at with what I'm passionate for, and I can already see that I will fit in nicely and can flourish here. -- RTS
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Lauren Graduates Preschool
Today was Lauren's big day - and even all these hours later, I still can't believe it! She is getting so grown-up and today was a big exclamation point to that fact. The ceremony was very cute - they sang "God Bless America " and a couple other songs before they received their diplomas. Her teachers said how much they are going to miss her (they had nicknamed her "Lu-Lu") and how she is one of the brightest students they've ever had (the only one in the class that was reading). We are incredibly proud of our little girl and are excited for what the next chapter of her life (kindergarten) holds!

Answer to Prayer
We got a call this morning from the Relocation Coordinator and it was good news! The numbers came in and we can pick the realtor that we liked - Praise the Lord!! We called him right away to let him know and he is bringing the paperwork over tomorrow afternoon for us to sign. The only other thing we have to do before we list the house is get the carpets cleaned and we will be ready to go!
We do still need prayer as we are trying to decide what is the right amount to list the house for. We know that we are going to lose is just a matter of how much. And we would definitely like to sell within 30-60 days because that would mean less commuting for Ryan and more time to get settled in up there before Lauren has to start school. So, please pray that the Lord will show us where that "sweet spot" is and that we won't let our pride get in the way!
We do still need prayer as we are trying to decide what is the right amount to list the house for. We know that we are going to lose is just a matter of how much. And we would definitely like to sell within 30-60 days because that would mean less commuting for Ryan and more time to get settled in up there before Lauren has to start school. So, please pray that the Lord will show us where that "sweet spot" is and that we won't let our pride get in the way!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Friday, May 15, 2009
Walk by Faith
Did I mention in my last post that I felt like we had jumped on a moving train? Well, today felt more like a roller-coaster least emotionally. The 2nd of our two realtors came out this morning to show us the comparable houses in the neighborhood that were for sale and had recently sold. It painted a very gloomy picture for us - so much so, in fact, that after she left we were wondering if we shouldn't try to sell the house at all, but just have Ryan commute until the market improves. Her numbers made us feel like we couldn't even sell the house for what our mortgage is. Suddenly, our minds were racing with thoughts of losing all our equity and having to start over with nothing.
We both felt like a heavy weight had been placed on our shoulders. After the realtor left, Lauren overheard us talking about all of this. I didn't want her to worry so I told her that no matter what happens, we will always have each other, she will always have a place to live, food, clothes and that God is going to take care of us. At that moment, Ryan had to leave the room because it was too much for him. I followed him into the bedroom and Lauren was right behind me. We all cried and hugged and reassured one another (while Nolan was stuck in his high-chair wondering where everyone had gone).
This afternoon, after we had fully recovered from the first meeting (and prayed!), the realtor we had met with earlier in the week came back out to give us his analysis of what he thought we could list our house for. Not only were his numbers encouraging, he took time to address some of our concerns, helped talk through our fears and we even shared our faith with him! It was a much better meeting and we agreed that we definitely want him selling our house for us.
Both realtors have sent their proposals to the Relocation Coordinator. As long as their suggestions for list price are within 5% of one another, we can pick one of them and move forward with listing the house. However, if they are more than 5% apart, the Relocation company will ask for a 3rd opinion and we will then have to choose from the 2 lowest. prayer request now (for all you faithful blog readers) is that we won't need a 3rd opinion and we can choose the realtor we like.
It was definitely a rough day for us all. But, as I told Ryan, this wouldn't be the first time that God has worked a miracle in our lives. And He has moved bigger mountains than this! So, that is what we are asking for now - a miracle. We heard a song on the radio today that was so appropriate for what we are facing...
Help me to win my endless fears
You've been so faithful for all my years
With one breath You make me new
Your grace covers all I do
I will walk by faith
Even when I cannot see
Because this broken road
Prepares Your will for me
We both felt like a heavy weight had been placed on our shoulders. After the realtor left, Lauren overheard us talking about all of this. I didn't want her to worry so I told her that no matter what happens, we will always have each other, she will always have a place to live, food, clothes and that God is going to take care of us. At that moment, Ryan had to leave the room because it was too much for him. I followed him into the bedroom and Lauren was right behind me. We all cried and hugged and reassured one another (while Nolan was stuck in his high-chair wondering where everyone had gone).
This afternoon, after we had fully recovered from the first meeting (and prayed!), the realtor we had met with earlier in the week came back out to give us his analysis of what he thought we could list our house for. Not only were his numbers encouraging, he took time to address some of our concerns, helped talk through our fears and we even shared our faith with him! It was a much better meeting and we agreed that we definitely want him selling our house for us.
Both realtors have sent their proposals to the Relocation Coordinator. As long as their suggestions for list price are within 5% of one another, we can pick one of them and move forward with listing the house. However, if they are more than 5% apart, the Relocation company will ask for a 3rd opinion and we will then have to choose from the 2 lowest. prayer request now (for all you faithful blog readers) is that we won't need a 3rd opinion and we can choose the realtor we like.
It was definitely a rough day for us all. But, as I told Ryan, this wouldn't be the first time that God has worked a miracle in our lives. And He has moved bigger mountains than this! So, that is what we are asking for now - a miracle. We heard a song on the radio today that was so appropriate for what we are facing...
Help me to win my endless fears
You've been so faithful for all my years
With one breath You make me new
Your grace covers all I do
I will walk by faith
Even when I cannot see
Because this broken road
Prepares Your will for me
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Stop This Train
Well, now that Ryan has officially accepted the offer with Remington and signed all the paperwork, things have begun to move rather quickly! His first day on the job will be May 26th. So, thankfully, we get another week or so with him at home. Because of the way they have structured the relocation package (giving us a lump sum and we decide how to use it), we calculated that the least expensive option is for him to drive back and forth (a 2-hour commute each way) every day. I know that sounds crazy, but we have to save money as much as possible. We are just going to stock him up with some good audio books and pray that his car can handle all those miles we'll be putting on it!
Yesterday we were contacted by our relocation coordinator. She is the one who helps us find a realtor, reimburses us for things along the way and helps with any issues we may have. She must be extremely efficient, because shortly after we spoke to her, we received calls from 2 local realtors who wanted to come look at the house and take pictures. They will give us an estimate of what they think we can list our house for based on the market conditions, etc. The first one is coming this afternoon, so I am rushing around and trying to clean up!
My mom is flying into town next Thursday and will be staying with us for 2 weeks. We are all so excited to have her here and I know she will be a tremendous help to us. In fact, we will be putting her right to work, because I have scheduled school visits with 4 christian schools in Winston-Salem for the day after she arrives. So, we will be leaving the kids with her and driving up to find a school for Lauren. Most of these schools start the 2nd or 3rd week in August. So, that means that even if our house hasn't sold yet, we will be moving and living in some kind of temporary housing so she can start school.
For those of you who have been asking, I am on the mend and starting to get back to normal. I am not there yet, as Ryan tries to daily remind me when I am doing too much. I have good days and I have days where I have no energy whatsoever. But, I am doing my best to juggle all this and try not to let myself get discouraged. I will say that I have definitely reached that point where I am tired of being tired! I am so ready to have my life back and there are times I want to just jump back into things...but I can't.
Lauren is handling the change well and is very excited to graduate from preschool next week. It is good that she has that going on because it has helped distract her from the other things, which might normally be very unsettling for a 5-year-old. She is also thrilled that Grandma will be here for her spring dance recital on the 30th. In her words, she gets to "wear a Cinderella dress and dance for Jesus". :)
This week, it definitely became real to us that all this was happening. We are moving and there is no turning back. In many ways, I feel like we have jumped on a moving train and there is no way to get off. There is an element of excitement anytime you house, new church, new friends, new opportunities. And I think we are always very curious when we see the Lord move like this in our lives - we know He's up to something, we're just not sure yet what it is or what it means. I am doing my best not to dwell on the fact that this move means it will be longer (if ever) before we are able to move back to Oregon. That's a very hard pill for me to swallow because I miss my family so much. But, I have to remind myself that He will never give me more than I can bear and there is nothing I need that He cannot provide.
Yesterday we were contacted by our relocation coordinator. She is the one who helps us find a realtor, reimburses us for things along the way and helps with any issues we may have. She must be extremely efficient, because shortly after we spoke to her, we received calls from 2 local realtors who wanted to come look at the house and take pictures. They will give us an estimate of what they think we can list our house for based on the market conditions, etc. The first one is coming this afternoon, so I am rushing around and trying to clean up!
My mom is flying into town next Thursday and will be staying with us for 2 weeks. We are all so excited to have her here and I know she will be a tremendous help to us. In fact, we will be putting her right to work, because I have scheduled school visits with 4 christian schools in Winston-Salem for the day after she arrives. So, we will be leaving the kids with her and driving up to find a school for Lauren. Most of these schools start the 2nd or 3rd week in August. So, that means that even if our house hasn't sold yet, we will be moving and living in some kind of temporary housing so she can start school.
For those of you who have been asking, I am on the mend and starting to get back to normal. I am not there yet, as Ryan tries to daily remind me when I am doing too much. I have good days and I have days where I have no energy whatsoever. But, I am doing my best to juggle all this and try not to let myself get discouraged. I will say that I have definitely reached that point where I am tired of being tired! I am so ready to have my life back and there are times I want to just jump back into things...but I can't.
Lauren is handling the change well and is very excited to graduate from preschool next week. It is good that she has that going on because it has helped distract her from the other things, which might normally be very unsettling for a 5-year-old. She is also thrilled that Grandma will be here for her spring dance recital on the 30th. In her words, she gets to "wear a Cinderella dress and dance for Jesus". :)
This week, it definitely became real to us that all this was happening. We are moving and there is no turning back. In many ways, I feel like we have jumped on a moving train and there is no way to get off. There is an element of excitement anytime you house, new church, new friends, new opportunities. And I think we are always very curious when we see the Lord move like this in our lives - we know He's up to something, we're just not sure yet what it is or what it means. I am doing my best not to dwell on the fact that this move means it will be longer (if ever) before we are able to move back to Oregon. That's a very hard pill for me to swallow because I miss my family so much. But, I have to remind myself that He will never give me more than I can bear and there is nothing I need that He cannot provide.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
More Good News
I have a feeling I'm going to be posting alot more blogs in the weeks to come as things start to move and change quickly! The first piece of good news/answer to prayer is that Remington called last night and made an offer over the phone to Ryan. The HR Director said that once she told the VP of Marketing that Ryan had another offer already, he made everyone stay late to put something together fast because they really wanted him. That was a huge ego boost for him! Not only did they rush to make the offer, but it was quite a bit more than the first one he'd received and even more than he was making at Rubbermaid. Isn't God good?!?
He still has a few more details to work out with them, but he will be accepting their offer this week. So, that means we will be moving to Winston-Salem! I had the not-so-fun task of calling the school where we had Lauren enrolled for kindergarten to let them know she wouldn't be attending. They were gracious enough to make an exception (due to our circumstances) and refund us the registration and enrollment fees we had paid. They were very sad that Lauren wouldn't be there this year, but I believe that her spot will go to someone who really needs it.
The other answer to prayer is that I called around to 4 different christian schools in the Winston-Salem area this morning...and 3 of the 4 still had openings for their kindergarten class. That was a huge relief to me - and the tuition at all of these schools is much less than we would have been paying had we stayed here. It seems to be just one blessing after another today!! We are hoping to fly my mom out the week after next so she can stay with the kids while we drive up to visit schools and secure Lauren a spot for the fall.
While there are still so many pieces of this puzzle that have yet to be put together, we are so thrilled to know where we are going now. God has blessed Ryan with the job of his dreams and we can already see His hand in this move. All we have to do is continue trusting Him and follow the path He has laid for us.
He still has a few more details to work out with them, but he will be accepting their offer this week. So, that means we will be moving to Winston-Salem! I had the not-so-fun task of calling the school where we had Lauren enrolled for kindergarten to let them know she wouldn't be attending. They were gracious enough to make an exception (due to our circumstances) and refund us the registration and enrollment fees we had paid. They were very sad that Lauren wouldn't be there this year, but I believe that her spot will go to someone who really needs it.
The other answer to prayer is that I called around to 4 different christian schools in the Winston-Salem area this morning...and 3 of the 4 still had openings for their kindergarten class. That was a huge relief to me - and the tuition at all of these schools is much less than we would have been paying had we stayed here. It seems to be just one blessing after another today!! We are hoping to fly my mom out the week after next so she can stay with the kids while we drive up to visit schools and secure Lauren a spot for the fall.
While there are still so many pieces of this puzzle that have yet to be put together, we are so thrilled to know where we are going now. God has blessed Ryan with the job of his dreams and we can already see His hand in this move. All we have to do is continue trusting Him and follow the path He has laid for us.
Monday, May 4, 2009
The End of the Road
Well, it has been a long 4 months since Ryan was laid off from Rubbermaid. During that time we have grown closer as a family and learned radical dependence on the Lord as we trusted Him to lead us. Yesterday we caught a glimpse of the light at the end of the tunnel. Ryan received a call from a recruiter he's been working with - she informed him that Pure Fishing (Jarden) in Columbia, SC had made him an offer! Praise the Lord!! Although it wasn't as much as he was making at Rubbermaid, it was a job...and for that, we were grateful.
Today, Ryan left early in the morning to make the long drive to Madison, NC to have his final round of interviews with Remington. He just called me a few minutes ago and said that he was done and that they are putting an offer together! They will have it to him by Thursday so he can compare the two offers and make a decision. Although, we already feel that the Lord is leading us to take the Remington job.
We are amazed at how God has provided for us during the months that Ryan was unemployed. And it is just like Him to take us right to the end of our severance pay (so that we have to trust that He will provide)...and then not one, but TWO offers have come in. We are basking in the glow of His faithfulness today and are eagerly waiting on Him to see what is next! For those of you who are regularly praying for us, here are our new requests:
1) That our house will sell quickly
2) That we will find a Christian school that has an opening for Lauren this fall
3) That we will find a house quickly
In many ways, it feels like the end of a long journey...but it also feels like the beginning of a new one. The Lord has moved us before and He is calling us to move again (thankfully, not as far this time). And we know that His ways are greater than ours, so we are anxious to see what He has for us in a new city, new job, new church, etc!
Praise be to the One "who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us" (Ephesians 3:20).
Today, Ryan left early in the morning to make the long drive to Madison, NC to have his final round of interviews with Remington. He just called me a few minutes ago and said that he was done and that they are putting an offer together! They will have it to him by Thursday so he can compare the two offers and make a decision. Although, we already feel that the Lord is leading us to take the Remington job.
We are amazed at how God has provided for us during the months that Ryan was unemployed. And it is just like Him to take us right to the end of our severance pay (so that we have to trust that He will provide)...and then not one, but TWO offers have come in. We are basking in the glow of His faithfulness today and are eagerly waiting on Him to see what is next! For those of you who are regularly praying for us, here are our new requests:
1) That our house will sell quickly
2) That we will find a Christian school that has an opening for Lauren this fall
3) That we will find a house quickly
In many ways, it feels like the end of a long journey...but it also feels like the beginning of a new one. The Lord has moved us before and He is calling us to move again (thankfully, not as far this time). And we know that His ways are greater than ours, so we are anxious to see what He has for us in a new city, new job, new church, etc!
Praise be to the One "who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us" (Ephesians 3:20).
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