If you read back through our blog you will find an entry about a trip we made to the Billy Graham Library last summer. Ever since that time, Lauren has had a special reverence for the Cross. She has asked for it to be displayed in her bedroom, she often will draw a cross in her artwork, and she will point it out whenever she sees it around town.
This year Kimberly's mother got for us a great tool from Focus on the Family called "
Resurrection Eggs." Through the course of opening 12 eggs each day leading up to Easter, the story of Christ's entrance to Jerusalem through his death and resurrection are described through scripture, devotional, and a small item to illustrate the point of the story. I think it really brought depth to Lauren's understanding of what Christ truly did for us on the Cross.
Easter Sunday Lauren had what I can only describe as an encounter with a representation of Jesus' Cross at our church when we attended Easter Service. I'll let the images tell the tale of what I saw...

Tedd Tripp wrote in his book,
Shepherding a Child's Heart,
"You must regard parenting as one of your most important tasks while you have children at home. This is your calling. You must raise your children in the fear and admonition of the Lord."Please pray with Kimberly and I as we seek to speak Truth into Lauren's heart so she will grow in the full knowledge and understanding of Christ Jesus.